Crapplers Anonymous


12 Step program to becoming a real grappler.

  1. Acknowledge you are a crappler

The first step to making the switch is acknowledging that you’re a crappler. How do you know? Well, first of all, if you have to ask, you’re a crappler. The main indicator is the quality of instruction or lack there of. Are you under a certified instructor? A blue belt is the bare minimum. Are you training regularly? If you’re learning under the military, your TKD club, or some other association with sketchy mat time and instructors, you’re crappling. While you may develop some rudimentary skills, unless your goal is to be a half assed white belt forever, you’re not gonna get anywhere.

  1. Stop crappling

Your 12 oclock at the the gym? You’re gonna want to cancel that. Just stop.

  1. Burn your instructionals

White belts don’t need a ton of instructionals. Maybe one during the later months of the rank but intitially, no. Its just an invitation to backslide.

  1. Find a gym

You really need a certified grappling instructor. Preferably a black belt, but a lower belt may have to do. That white belt that you were crappling with earlier doesn’t count though. Look for a purple at least.

  1. Attend class regularly

This means you actually have to STAY in the gym. You can’t take two classes and then bring the secrets of BJJ back to your style. At least attending classes twice a week is required. I try for four a day personally, but thats not always practical.

  1. Discard crappling techniques

Now, you may have something there with that ninja ass double reverse triangle to hold. Probably not though. Regardless, throw it away. All it will do is lead you into a relapse. If the move is good, you’ll be back for it come blue. In the mean time, basics are your friend.

  1. Find a training partner

This is essential. There are really two ways to go here. You can find someone a LOT better than you who’ll give you the time of day or you can find someone a little better than you.

If you get a guy who’s a lot better, blue or above, you can learn from him. Get those little tips that aren’t covered in class. Not the ninja moves, but those little details like how to drop your hips while passing.

If you find someone a little better, go crazy with the basics. Don’t ask for shit as you may get caught up in some crappling, but use the mat time to practice your techniques against a tough opponent.

  1. Basics, basics, basics
  3. Take notes
  4. Compete
  5. Reverse omoplata

You might cull something from this thread:

I like this…except maybe step 12 should be higher up.
It is amazing how easy it is to right an article you don’t have to research because, you know, you actually train.