If I’m attacked by a large man performing a flurry of headbutts through florescent lightbulbs, what do I do? I don’t think this guys defense worked too well.
I would offer my advice,but i know you’d just ignore it and explain why it wouldn’t werk, despite my extensive flurotube defense experience (Star Wars Light Sabre Larping)
Adamantium skull.
It’s at time’s like this that I most wish Atrophy was done, because there is indeed a flurry of headbutts in the film. Anyway, the answer is Koshi Guruma/head and arm throw.
No be there.
Flying squirrel takedown a la Ellis Coleman. When they put their head down you jump over, do some crazy shit, and magically end up on top. Be careful though- it’s illegal in many states.
counter with Street Noogie ™.
close your eyes till it all goes away
With a set of these
The answer to anything with head in the title, is always without fail, iron crotch.
[QUOTE=Ke?poFist;2599966]If I’m attacked by a large man performing a flurry of headbutts through florescent lightbulbs, what do I do? I don’t think this guys defense worked too well.
The proper defense is to draft a living will and make sure your health insurance premiums are paid up, because each of those fluorescent bulbs probably contains 5-15mg of gaseous mercury, along with other hazardous chemicals like powdered phosphorous.
Generally speaking, in these situations, I look down at my wristband and read the letters, WWMFD and then ask myself, What Would Mick Foley Do?
inevitably, the answer involves a flaming barbedwire bat, so really, in any situation, it is all OK
Ooooh, Snake was so close!!!
Answer is Hurricanrana followed by 6-1-9.
chops crotch
My method is similar to snake’s, except my wristband says “what would Onan do?”