Controversial and enetertaining thread

Atlantis controversy-

This thread is neither controversial nor entertaining, I do believe Ive been had, and may I further add you are in violation of the newbie FAQ, cease and desist your trollery sir.


I thought it was funny cause they even ban people on Atlantis forums apparently someone said.

The cause of it is obvious, the Atlanteans pissed off a group of kuji kiri ninjas, who flipped out and killed everyone.

That is the relevence to bullshido, by the way. :slight_smile:

chimeras are science now:

ancient DNA and the mass extinction of mammoths:

interesting topics:

the definition of chimera’s used in the first link is quite different than chimeras in legend, but you have to understand no one is claiming any of this is impossible. But if yuo give all possibilities equal credence then you cannot actually conclude anything. So most people give credence only to what is probable, and there is little to know evidence to show that all these strange claims are true.

If you are going to continue to post links like these I just want you to realize why they are not convincing anyone.

edit: I have no idea why you posted the other links, they don’t seem to relate at all.

it seems judgement has already been made…at least in your case. In that case you are very close minded and no matter of proof will be enough for you. You are in the same boat as the ufo sceptics, unless a ufo appears right over their head or in their house they won’t believe they exist. Serious harm posted many interesting links in the apst that have just been schrubbed off but I find them quite intriquing and perhaps there is a bit of truth in some of those claims. I recently have been readind graham Hancocks "Fingerprints of the gods’ which i reocmmend and it basically follows the same premise that a lost civilization/race (possibly atlantis possibly something else) existed at once point and there is evidence in many ancient cultures/civil;izations of the world. There is evidence that they had astronomical and other knwoledge in many regards superior to what we have today, could they have been influenced by extra terrestrials? COuld they have developed this on their own through thousands of years in the period of humanity we dont know about? Who knows.