Constructive thread killer

Mileta, I don’t think that you understand what impresses us. We want to see the following:

  1. your art used in heavy contact sparring
  2. against a FULLY uncooperative opponent who is fighting back
  3. and still recognize your art

We would rather see full contact with padding than light contact without padding.

We would like to see you spar opponents with different backgrounds (boxing, wrestling, judo, etc.)

I’m sure that others will add to this list.

[quote=mileta99;2189996]l will give you some videos, just let me make one.
YouTube - wing chun trening 1
here is some of my videos…[/quote]

Shave your belly, dude.

ok show me your impressive videos. l want to see what do you mean bu that? it doesnt meter if its a boxning, kik boksing, karate, muay thai, mma, doesnt meter just show me IMPRESSIVE!


YouTube - Fedor Emelianenko vs Kevin Randleman MMA




YouTube - Demian Maia


[quote=2groggy;2190729]Mileta, I don’t think that you understand what impresses us. We want to see the following:

  1. your art used in heavy contact sparring
  2. against a FULLY uncooperative opponent who is fighting back
  3. and still recognize your art

We would rather see full contact with padding than light contact without padding.

We would like to see you spar opponents with different backgrounds (boxing, wrestling, judo, etc.)

I’m sure that others will add to this list.[/quote]

ok, here you are:

YouTube - Wing Chun vs. Kickboxing dude

YouTube - reto wing tsun vs full contact

All the videos that have been posted and ripped apart before right ggboxer?

[quote=TrueKarateKid;2195835]Do not do Wing Chun. If it is trained in a serious, alive manner, it is going to be moderately useful if you are ever attacked by an untrained drunk some day, but that is about the limit. And that’s if you’re lucky enough to find a good school.

Goju Karate CAN be decent. It’s not Muay Thai or Kyokushin, but a lot of Karate styles seem to turn out relatively decent and not a waste of money provided they are trained ALIVE.

So what you NEED to look at is do either of these schools train ALIVE. If neither of them spar hard on a frequent basis, and spend most of the class doing (in the karate case) kata, and no-touch/light contact sparring) or (in the Wing Chun case) teh d34dly eye gouge but no sparring, go and train in boxing. It’ll be a hell of a lot more useful.

But if you’re REALLY dead set on learning an Asian martial art and there’s no way any of these trained martial artists can stop you, even though neither of them trains alive, I’d probably go with the Karate school. Generally bad martial arts is bad no matter how you slice it, but I’d still reccomend a bad karate school over a standard Wing Chun school. Not by much though, but at least a bad Karate school won’t usually go around telling everyone that they’ll make you an invincible fighter except against other members of their school.[/quote]

man why are you talking about something that you didn’t train? Dont eat sheet about wing chun… it is a greit martial art and you can kiss a wing chun ass. It is a stile older than karate and karate is from china. All martial arts are from china. You gays dont understud martial art, Wing Chun man is not going to fight you whit forse it will strike you to some vital points and you are out my friend. If you are insolting wing chun you are insolting a 80 procent of Jeet Kune Do! If wing chun is that bad, Brus Lee wouldnt teach you karate guys and boksers and all others how to fight! lm not insolting karate but dont insolt Wing Chun!!!:englishmo

mileta99, yooz are tha bezt!

This may be a dumb idea but we should just make a thread with all former chunners saying “WC sucks” and giving their years of experience and any reasons why.

WC sucks - Mike - Four Years WC under WC Ip Ching style.

[quote=100xobm;2195917]This may be a dumb idea but we should just make a thread with all former chunners saying “WC sucks” and giving their years of experience and any reasons why.

WC sucks - Mike - Four Years WC under WC Ip Ching style.[/quote]

Not a bad idea…

WC sucks - Dan - 2 years WC to 3 years WT.

[quote=BigKovacs;2195925]Not a bad idea…

WC sucks - Dan - 2 years WC to 3 years WT.[/quote]

wing chun dont sucks it greit 6 years! David Cheung Wing Chun!

Wing Chun aint all that but I like it - 7 years Ip Chun lineage

Please tell me mileta99 is taking the piss. Nobody outside of an asylum could be that fucking retarded.

EDIT: Just in case he isn’t:

Boxing isn’t from China you cock eating fuck-tard.

If you are taking the piss, disregard that.

[quote=Evil Solvalou;2195936]Please tell me mileta99 is taking the piss. Nobody outside of an asylum could be that fucking retarded.

EDIT: Just in case he isn’t:

Boxing isn’t from China you cock eating fuck-tard.

If you are taking the piss, disregard that.[/quote]

Boxing isn’t a Martial art you stupid retard!

How isn’t boxing a martial art you cum dumpster?

And why isn’t it?

Shit got sniped by the funky evil

its just fighting , there is a diference between martial arts and fighting you stupid shithead!:phil:

Fixed, you cock-snap. I thought I might fix your grammar and spelling as well.

Since we’re talking though mileta99, you gaseous vaginal discharge, why don’t you tell me how it feels to know that a half decent boxer could easily destroy the average Chunner without even breaking a sweat?

Is that the cause of your boxing butt hurt?