Who says the young dont have boundless imagination and creativity?
Still, Bats already has the utility belt for his construction tools.
Who says the young dont have boundless imagination and creativity?
Still, Bats already has the utility belt for his construction tools.
Chick With the Slow/Stop Sign Man!
Orange Safety Vest Wearing Guy?
Stucco boy.
Sound Deadner.
The deadly Enviro-man.
And the ambiguous:
Sludge Packer
Rep for Craneiac! That’s the right idea.
Steel Toad and the boots; Redwing and Wovlerine (only other type of boot I could think of)
The Riviting Rivtiter!
bob villia…
Don’t forget The Shoveller
"God’s given me a gift. I shovel well. I shove very well. "
"We struck down evil with the mighty sword of teamwork and the hammer of not bickering. "
Acousticon - acoustical ceiling installer who can extend his legs over 2 feet and apprehends criminals by tightly wrapping wire around their wrists. He also constructs a protective grid of sheet metal and fire-retardant/semi-soundproof panels over the heads of his teammates.
The Earthshaker - a solitary villain whose only purpose in life is to destroy everything that everyone else has ever made. He will fight anyone, hero or villain, whenever the publishers need some quick filler space without making it too obviously filler space.
The Tekton - a two-thousand-year-old carpenter and mason who is said to have worked together with Joseph and Jesus themselves. He is said to know the exact plans for Solomon’s Temple, the Colisseum, and perhaps even Stonehenge. Whenever the heroes’ lives are threatened, The Tekton comes in as a silly plot device.
The Cat Call: No woman is safe from his leers and jeers.
The Exterminator, dealing out petrochemical death to six-legged villains everywhere.
Catspaw, a thief with a prediliction for destroying dog kennels.
OSHA-man, able to paralyze all productivity at will.
The Dirty Sub, a most evil villain, he regularly bilks senior citizens out of their life savings.
Edit: I forgot The Plumber, able to repel all foes with his ass-crack of justice.
how in the fuck is this more worthy of trollshidowing than 99% of the goofy stuff in general BS?
The Nail-Gunner.
The Welder of Justice.
Evil Nemises: Code Enforcer
4x4: His arms and legs are made of 4x4’s and he uses them to knock the evil out of crime. His only weakness is 3rd degree Black belts who compete in breaking competitions.
Twin titanics: Fabrica and Concret’A
Georgia Asphalt, superhot villainess
The evil brotherhood of Bitu Men