I have bee doing a lil research on bak mei the person an i see that he might have been pressured into becoming something he didn’t want to be then he just went with it ya know an became who he is.So i really feel for the guy because they make movies about him as a evil man every time or the “villian”, an it seems
that he truned into a third party of his own being hated on both sides if i heard right he left the ching an had problems with the rebellion so basically all these people wanted him dead but no one could kill him for many reasons. Reason 1 he waz one of the best an produced killer fighters this type of pull people will think twice masters back then had students that would do anything for them. Reason two he became a public icon an the government couldn’t kill him because his name is everywhere. At that time before the ending of the temple the abbots did alot behind close doors kung fu so there were many hidden styles expunged from shaolin templa bake mei ran into a monk who taught him the “white brow” system by chance which represents one of the taoist gods many of them have white eye brows an mustaches an beards but huge eyes an eye brows but my theroy is that the abbots had two close door styles a center line style an a counter style to it, an bak mei happened to run into the hidden master with the countering style to center line style. the bake mei style tricked me at first i thought the spine wazn’t aligned! very suckering
it brings out the ignorance of martial artists=failure, another theory of mine is that in kung fu they teach you broadsword first because it has alot of signature moves that you will be doing later on in different forms why is that? because when arabs came to china to live after the death of the prophet saw they brought with then the secrets of the broadsword there waz no samurai at the time arabs were the samurai! an alot of kung fu practitioners say kung fu isn’t nothing like weapons fighting which is totally wrong see weapons fighting is usally a hard/soft comb style soo is kung fu so yea there the same, just because your using one arm doesn’t mean two arms is different arabs were the masters of the broadsword its said that an arab in Damascus around the time of jesus or a lil after created the first curved blade this blade i have been working with the dimensions an its has over 50 ways you can use this blade it is the ulimate weapon the handle alone has two styles so yea muslims had alot to do with kung fu shaolin monks an wutang monks both fought alongside muslims against the ching! i can imagine it waz amazing! so there is alot of secret bs going on in the martial world i suggest you stay away form these people there highly dangerous all because:XXbazooka of a retard style that wont work in the 21 century! boxing can destroy all forms of kung fu
its fact.