Combined threads of stupid

How so?

[QUOTE=DerAuslander;2769730]You’re an idiot.[/QUOTE]

How so?

What are the top 5 kicks for MMA? Effectiveness wise?

If you could only learn 5 kicks what would they be and why?

If possible give the specific variation of the kick that you would learn, for example a round kick in Karate, is different from a round kick in muay thai, and muay thai has many variations of the round kick. (This is optional you are not expected to know all the sub types)

Me in my opinion for MMA I would order kicks like this.

  1. Rear leg round house kick muay thai style (KO,s and wearing legs down)

  2. Lead leg round kick muay thai style (set ups, wearing legs down, KO’s)

  3. Rear leg “round” kick Sambo style (useful for avoiding counters and takedowns while wearing down their legs ie it dosnt spin you around like a basic thai round kick)

  4. Lead leg side kick san shou style (a powerful variation of a side kick, thrown to the knee to stop them advancing, also good to the ribs or liver)

  5. Rear leg teep Muay thai style (good body shot liver or solar plexus but the least useful out of all my kicks due to lack of power and risk of being taken down I would set it up by faking a rear round kick then turning it into a rear push kick)

Now your turn what do you think the top 5 most useful kicks are under MMA rules and why!?

Removed from:

I’ve also moved two posts from the Advanced Striking forum.

OMGWTF - The fucking irony in your username is off the chart.

[QUOTE=Rock Ape;2769740]I’ve also moved two posts from the Advanced Striking forum.

OMGWTF - The fucking irony in your username is off the chart.[/QUOTE]
Ha, ha. I went to move the power generation thread and it was gone. Knew it had been moved, but couldn’t figure out where.

It and the MMA kicks thread are acceptable in my opinion. I’ll put the power generation thread in Basic Tech and the MMA kicks thread in the MMA forum.

I do think it would be a good idea for OMGWTF to slow down on starting new threads, and take a little time to read the stickies. Hint, hint.


What colour is the boathouse in Winchester.

Agreed LOL !

Hi again OMGWTF. I moved this thread into the Basic Tech forum because the general rule is, if you’re asking HOW to perform a technique(s) then your question belongs in the Basic forum. If you’re asking how to REFINE, TROUBLESHOOT or IMPROVE a technique you already know, then it belongs in the advanced section.

I suggest you take some time to read the stickie threads. They are the threads that address you by your username at the top of each sub-forum. Their purpose is to explain the posting guidelines and moderation policies in each forum.

Be advised that moderation policies vary widely from forum to forum. Some forums are moderated very strictly, like the Advanced Technique areas, and some are not, like Trollshido. It can be confusing, but the stickies go a long way to simplify and explain the matter.

I think the OP is just a bit over zealous. I don’t think he has enough experience to declare such absolutes.

[QUOTE=OMGWTF;2769724]Balrog style see street fighter 2[/QUOTE]


What’s your opinion on spinning bird kick? Is it more effective when we can see chun li’s knickers? I have found that the glimpse of knickers is good for increasing jing. Your thoughts?

[QUOTE=OMGWTF;2769736]If you could only learn 5 kicks what would they be and why?

If possible give the specific variation of the kick that you would learn, for example a round kick in Karate, is different from a round kick in muay thai, and muay thai has many variations of the round kick. (This is optional you are not expected to know all the sub types)

Me in my opinion for MMA I would order kicks like this.

  1. Rear leg round house kick muay thai style (KO,s and wearing legs down)

  2. Lead leg round kick muay thai style (set ups, wearing legs down, KO’s)

  3. Rear leg “round” kick Sambo style (useful for avoiding counters and takedowns while wearing down their legs ie it dosnt spin you around like a basic thai round kick)

  4. Lead leg side kick san shou style (a powerful variation of a side kick, thrown to the knee to stop them advancing, also good to the ribs or liver)

  5. Rear leg teep Muay thai style (good body shot liver or solar plexus but the least useful out of all my kicks due to lack of power and risk of being taken down I would set it up by faking a rear round kick then turning it into a rear push kick)

Now your turn what do you think the top 5 most useful kicks are under MMA rules and why!?[/QUOTE]

LOL, SAMBO style. That’s funny.

[QUOTE=Rock Ape;2769745]OMGWTF

What colour is the boathouse in Winchester.[/QUOTE]


You havnt been there have you son?

If you guys are going to go at each other do it here not in the advanced striking area.

Culled from:


You havnt been there have you son?[/QUOTE]

Wrong answer.

Winchester was the home of the Light Division when I joined the British Army. I completed my regimental recruit cadre and phase 1 of my infantry training based out of Sir John Moore Barracks.

So yes I’ve been there.

I suggest you follow the very good advice afforded you by jnp recently in another forum and familurise yourself with the forums before you find your posts moved.

[QUOTE=OMGWTF;2769726]The muay thai round kick has no place in real street fighting, its of practically no use at all. [/QUOTE]

Do you realize how few Thai kicks to the legs it takes to really hurt someone who’s not used to them, and how crappy most people are at defending against them? Or that Thai kicks can be used to dump people on the ground? Or to end a fight in one move if they slip or kneel?

[QUOTE=Permalost;2769766]Do you realize how few Thai kicks to the legs it takes to really hurt someone who’s not used to them[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=Permalost;2769766] and how crappy most people are at defending against them?[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=Permalost;2769766]Or that Thai kicks can be used to dump people on the ground?[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=Permalost;2769766]Or to end a fight in one move if they slip or kneel?[/QUOTE]






This is prom night all over again!!!

[QUOTE=OMGWTF;2769733]How so?[/QUOTE]

How long have you studied Jeet Kune Do and who did you study with?

[QUOTE=Permalost;2769728]This is generally discouraged, and if you do this you’ll probably get people telling you to search and giving you links to this thread and others. Basically, those of us who post here aren’t exactly more likely to answer a question that’s been asked over and over again; I’m guessing you’d get less feedback, not more.

Another angle: if you train regularly, after a good amount of time has passed and everyone’s forgotten about this thread, you shouldn’t need to ask again. If you follow the advice, your hips should be a swivelin’. Its like if you asked how to lift a heavy weight over your head- you could take the info you got and put it to work, or you could ponder about all the ways a person could explain “lift it over your head”.

If you ask again in a few months, you should have gained sufficient experience that the question itself should have evolved into a new problem. If its along the same lines, just necro this same thread to add something meaningful.[/QUOTE]

Ok I will, and have been, thanks a million friend!