Colored perceptions: judo uniforms

This kind of thing makes me want to start spouting Q-dot type profanity.

If you get beat because some other dude wears blue, then you need to train more.

What the hell…

Could it also be that those people who are willing to spend the extra money on a good quality (usually blue) gi are also the ones who train more?

I can only think of one white/yellow belt in my Judo club in a blue gi and he’s a monster in his own right. All the blue gi are worn by brown/black belts. Why? Because they are nicer then the cheap white gi’s the club hands out and the black belts have put in the time and effort and want a nicer gi.

Color advantage my ass…

Actually, there’s a scientific study that’s just out that found that players of an online game (Unreal Tournament 2004) were more likely to win if they were on the red team, which correlates with what the this article says about the color red.

That’s really odd. I was a pretty damn good UT player, and preferred playing blue. The red color pops out and it’s easier to spot opponents from a distance, making them easier to shoot at range.

Sadly, I don’t remember the studies, so take this with however much salt you feel my statements need, when unsourced:

Several studies do seem to suggest that the red thing is, in fact, a real effect, correlated with aggression and competitiveness. The blue/white judo thing is a bit less clear-cut. From what I have read, there are indeed studies that show a small but clear bias in the win statistics, favouring players wearing blue. However, there is also a bias among higher-level judo players to wear blue gi. When corrected for (according to this study), there turned out to be no advantage either way: Blue judo players tend to win not because blue makes good players, but because good players are more prone to wearing blue.

This is some of the stupidest, most trivial motherfucking bullshit I have had the displeasure of seeing in a while. These motherfuckers need a role model.

The blue gi myth is because the higher seeded player at top tournaments is placed first or on top of the bracket. This player is required to wear blue. Therefor in the first rounds the better player wins wearing blue. This changes in the latter rounds and the more evenly matched players are then pitted against each other.

That’s what I’m talking about. Thanks.

Seems to be just another example of psychologists not using the brains they are supposed to study.

Article was a bit weird regarding blue vs white, but the red definitely got me thinking, despite a little bit of psychobabble.

Brilliant. Great insight.

Yeah dude it’s so fucking trivial to unravel the host of environmental stimuli that effect us without our knowing. Seriously who the fuck wants to know about how our bodies work? Who the fuck needs statistics and math to point out trends when they can just be ignored?

Fuck questioning and thinking man THAT SHIT JUST HOLDS ME DOWN I DONT NEED THAT!

leaves to buy a blue gi

That is a perfect example of the faulty assumption many people make that correlation equals causation.


Colours have been found to have different arousal effects. It has been found for example that people walk through corridors faster if they are painted red.

Thank you but I really don’t deserve the credit. When Matsimoto came up with this theory this point was brought up during a web discussion on Matsimoto is proof that people can be educated beyond their intelligence. He is a good Judo coach and a bad statitician.

If you rework the numbers to the medal rounds you will see that the blue gi doesn’t make a difference.

JK, as a fellow rationalist I appreciate your insight.

But I look thinner in blue.

However, studies also show that wearing a pink gi correlates with high levels of dominance and badassery.