Since you mentioned boxing, Mike Tyson was involved in what he claimed was a self defense situation on June 21, 2003 at the Brooklyn Marriott when two guys supposedly claimed they had guns or knives and menaced him after he refused to sign an autograph.
I don’t know whether this will end up fitting your criteria, but there was a (very poor) video record of the fight, and it was litigated, so there would be police records and potentially court documents on both sides. Tyson ended up pleading guilty to disorderly conduct. I don’t know what happened with the assailants, but they were charged with menacing and harassment. Sounds like Tyson would have escaped charges except he beat one of them pretty badly and did not appear to take an opportunity to leave. I’m sure his notoriety didn’t help him much either.
This site has a link to the video
Good Luck
About a month ago (maybe a week more) some guy started a fight with my roommate and a couple others at a party at our apartment. He was just pushing and shoving and yelling. I put him in a full nelson and walked him out the door. When he stopoped resisting and said he was cool, I let him go and told him to leave.
It got pretty crazy after that. He started throwing punches at me but none landed. His friends got involved and my friends got involved. There was a lot of yelling, shoving, and punching. Luckily I didn’t get hit. Somewhere in the mix the guy who started it got kicked in the face (while he was standing up straight). It ended with the aggressor’s friend double legging him and holding him with a RNC.
At that point the cops showed up and arrested the guy. They were from the 18th precinct. They took a report, but I’m not sure how much they wrote down. That station on Division in the middle of Cabrini Green, so maybe you want to call before you show up.
Since the crime was so unusual in nature, I’ sure they took copious notes and have probably handed the story to the FBI who has undoubtedly buried the whole story for fear of panicking the general public.
Best let it go.
Osiris , having publically stated that “martial arts=competition” is outside the framing context of this research. I have no qualms with that. Personally I think its a great idea, exposing BS in MA can benefit from qualitative research too.
Great stuff guys!
- Matt
Your sarcasm cuts my heart in two.
I already let it go. Just trying to help Matt.
Then let’s join hands, and with the other two hands, gently pick up those two pieces of broken heart, hold them together lovingly and let the healing begin as we listen together to more tales of pugilistic mayhem.
Gosh, you really know how to cheer a guy up.
How’s THIS for a verifiable account?
(You may have to reload the page)
Osiris , having publically stated that “martial arts=competition” is outside the framing context of this research.
Competition =/= sports. You’d have to be intensely retarded to think so. Is fighting not, by definition, competitive? Sure as hell is. So martial arts, when used as intended, is inherently competitive. Dig up the comment in context and you’ll fnd me saying that there too. That statement, if I rcall correctly was in reponse to someone alleging that they could do forms all day and still be doing martial arts as it didn necessarily have to be a competitive thing. Something along those lines.
And none of that is related to the valdity of anectdotes as evidence which is NOT a martial arts issue.