Christopher Hunter; his alias and authors he plagerised exposed.

Christopher Hunter. Aliases: ashida kim, hei long, haha lung, commander X (and probally many more).

Authors he is known to have plagerised include, but are not limited to: Aleister Crowley, Da Liu, Israel Regardie, John F. Gilbey, Earl Montaigue, John T. Keehan (“count dante”), Andrew Adams.

He is considered in the occult world to be a madman, though he is hardly as “successful”, insane, and dangerous as Ron Hubbard turned out to be.

Fortunately for the sanity of his readers, he only obtained superficial knowledge to twist and sell in his thirst for money.

Starting his life as a poor, teased boy suffering from a bad case of short man syndrome (an inferiority complex due to being short and skinny), Christopher Hunter was collecting comic books. He came upon an add for “world’s deadliest fighting secrets” in one, and after reading it was consumed by a feeling of power to protect himself. He then proceeded to investigate several areas of knowledge and hit upon a plan to get rich and thus get back at all those other kids he was jealous of. He would learn information from others and then re-write it, with an oriental twang and pass it off as his own knowledge. At any rate, you can guess the rest. :lol:

To be fair, let’s save our money and minds from his rediculous works, and let him get a REAL job.

jesus christ … please use the search function all of this has been covered …and can you please list your sources for verification ?

An excellent 1st post.

Let me be the first to tell you STFU NOOB~

Particularly because the real name is Radford W. Davis not Christopher Hunter, and Radford is not haha or anyone else who currently publishes books for Paladan Press.

You have made a lot of assertions stated as fact, without providing sources. Or, for that matter, stating why you have an interest in making these assertions.

If any of the things you’re saying are untrue, you may be opening yourself up to legal action by Ashida Kim (whatever his real name may be). I expect one of the moderators will be along shortly to tell you the same thing.

putting legal hat on Some page cites would help, for example on page 20 of his book Ninjas by the dozen, Ashida cribs from Cheaper by the Dozen, concerning brick laying, see page 23.

Christopher Hunter. Aliases: ashida kim, hei long, haha lung, commander X (and probally many more) …

You’re all over it … NOT.

Let me be the second to tell you STFU NOOB …


STFU N00B! lolz

Actually, we confirm that he plagiarized Leung Ting’s Secrets of the Vagabonds. (Which you forgot to mention.) On Phil’s website the black belt certificate he bought from Kim’s website has technique pics from that book. I’m guessing they’re on the Vale Tudo BB cert. that was bought from there by this site.

Yrkoon…your new avatar gives me a headache…

oops, off topic…




Gringo Grande


phil’s website? link please

It feels like I’m wearing nothing at all!

Stupid sexy Flanders.