Okay, so I just got back from having a few beers:new_all_c with this girl I’ve been messin around with in the past 2 weeks. We were discussing what we each consider turn ons and turn offs. Well this girl has a thing for being choked during sex:5eek: . I’ve never dealt with shit like that.
Any of you guys ever dealt with someone like that?
Yeah, do it, but don’t actually choke her. Just make it seem like what she imagines choking to be, hands around the neck, that sort of thing. You might try putting a forearm across her throat, and really putting some pressure on it, when you two are face to face with you on top.
I had a gf that really dug that. I didn’t know what a gem I had there.
Ive heard of it. Apparently it is very common. Each to their own I guess, but not my cup of tea. Im an old fashioned gentlmanly sort, doesnt really fit in with my concepts of romance. Mind you, neither does removing my socks. Or pants. Or top hat.
Dude, is she emo? Does she like Fallout Boy and shit?
I only ask because a young and nubile friend of mine mentioned the same ting in relation to some FOB lyrics.
If she is getting her inspiration from FOB, plz choke her to completion.
she probably can’t climax due to psychological issues and uses choking to help her get past it…i’d run the other way. there’s way too much good pussy out there to be fucking with psycho junk.
I quite enjoy being choked, I really dont see the discomfort in it (unless its something attacking the trachea), I mean your slowly going to sleep. But thats fun!, I dont tihnk I would enjoy it if I couldnt tap though.