Chinese Nationals ruin study results!

We need bigots and racists like this asshat like we need bowel cancer.

[QUOTE=Mor Sao;2815119]We need bigots and racists like this asshat like we need bowel cancer.[/QUOTE]

How the hell is saying that I don not like Chinese culture racist? Chinese isn’t a race and I have no issue with Chinese people raised in other cultures.

This isn’t racism, it’s just an understanding of cultural differences that lead to confusion. I’m surprised that don’t even understand this basic difference. Have you even dealt with any Chinese people? Because I have for years and this one thing has lead to so many freaking problems.

[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2815022]Did you forget this was Bullshido? We value science and logic here (or so I thought), not half-assed assertions based on your own screwed-up cultural biases.[/QUOTE]

Now, now.

Let’s not construct false dualities.

We value science and logic for serious discussion.

We value imbecilic postings for cheap desktop entertainment, so we have someone we can subject to well-earned ridicule.

Each has its purpose, and those involved are rewarded according to the quality of their contributions.

[QUOTE=kamadul;2815116]It’s not a bigoted remark, it’s a statement of fact. If you do not understand the difference in the way truth is valued between the two cultures you don’t have any business opening your mouth about this topic.

And there is no debate going on by people who know what the fuck they are talking about. There is a re-hash of previous arguments between people who know what the fuck they are talking about. All you get here is “my source is bigger than yours.”

And personally I don’t give a shit whether or not you want to listen. It doesn’t change the reality here. Go cry in a corner if you like.[/QUOTE]

I’m not the one crying like a little bitch. All cultures are full of liars and charlatans, the bigotry is from you implying that all Chinese Nationals are full of shit. If you can’t see why that is bigoted then you need to just bow out.

The fact that you accuse me of crying is enough to tell me you are full shit if you have to resort to those kind of remarks as a retort.

[QUOTE=catfishaggie;2815123]I’m not the one crying like a little bitch. All cultures are full of liars and charlatans, the bigotry is from you implying that all Chinese Nationals are full of shit. If you can’t see why that is bigoted then you need to just bow out.

The fact that you accuse me of crying is enough to tell me you are full shit if you have to resort to those kind of remarks as a retort.[/QUOTE]

Like I said, if you don’t understand the difference in the value placed on truth between the two cultures then you have no business being in this conversation. Just like with the Chinese lying thing, I’m not accusing you of anything. I’m pointing out the reality. You’re whining like a little bitch.

[QUOTE=kamadul;2815120]How the hell is saying that I don not like Chinese culture racist? Chinese isn’t a race and I have no issue with Chinese people raised in other cultures.

Trying to argue about acupuncture with selective science, while destroying your credibility with prejudice. Double fail.

Look at how loosely you use the term “fact” to describe things you “source” by posting someone’s blog.

Triple fail.

Have you even dealt with any Chinese people? Because I have for years and this one thing has lead to so many freaking problems.[/QUOTE]

Bigot to the end.

[QUOTE=kamadul;2815125] I’m pointing out the reality.[/QUOTE]

You’re pointing out your opinion. The number of times you’ve stated this opinion does not magically transform it into a “reality”.

If you put it in all-caps, however, we’ll all be forced to accept it as Gospel.

'Cause everyone knows there are no lies whatsoever in Gospel–the font of Western truth according to a great many believers.

[QUOTE=kamadul;2815125]Like I said, if you don’t understand the difference in the value placed on truth between the two cultures then you have no business being in this conversation. Just like with the Chinese lying thing, I’m not accusing you of anything. I’m pointing out the reality. You’re whining like a little bitch.[/QUOTE]

He’s not whining. You are.

Now, point out a real source for your bullshit, whiner.

I had a feeling you’d derail a serious discussion about acupuncture science with your patronizing trololo crap.

[QUOTE=kamadul;2815120]Have you even dealt with any Chinese people? Because I have for years and this one thing has lead to so many freaking problems.[/QUOTE]

So this is why you are ignoring studies that support Acupuncture.
Good to know.
If you haven’t been paying attention acupuncture has been studied quite a bit in recent years by westerners and most of those studies seem to support that it does in fact relieve pain.
Your ad hominem attack against the chinese is cute though. Good to see how your bias is based on prejudice.

Good job.

[QUOTE=goodlun;2815130]So this is why you are ignoring studies that support Acupuncture.
Good to know.
If you haven’t been paying attention acupuncture has been studied quite a bit in recent years by westerners and most of those studies seem to support that it does in fact relieve pain.
Your ad hominem attack against the chinese is cute though. Good to see how your bias is based on prejudice.

Good job.[/QUOTE]

My bias against acupuncture has more to do with the fact that it’s nothing more than ancient ninjer magic. My comment about the validity of acupuncture studies coming from China is not a bias, it’s reality. Like I said, if you are even trying to argue against it then you obviously don’t even have the slightest grasp of the differences between western and Chinese culture.

You keep mentioning my bias, but all I see is a bunch of TCMA fetishists having a circle jerk.

[QUOTE=kamadul;2815125]Like I said, if you don’t understand the difference in the value placed on truth between the two cultures then you have no business being in this conversation. Just like with the Chinese lying thing, I’m not accusing you of anything. I’m pointing out the reality. You’re whining like a little bitch.[/QUOTE]

/yawn…more sad and not even original attempts at an insult. Did you eat paint chips as a child?

I understand there are differences in morality between different cultures but I do not claim that my morality is better than theirs which is what you are trying to do. I have a question for you, do you think being “truthful” is naturally occurring or needs to be taught?

[QUOTE=kamadul;2815131]My bias against acupuncture has more to do with the fact that it’s nothing more than ancient ninjer magic.

Unscientific, non-critical thinking. Please show your sources connecting modern CAM with ancient ninja magic.

My comment about the validity of acupuncture studies coming from China is not a bias, it’s reality.

It’s your bias, and your reality. You cannot produce a valid source to support your “fact”, because it’s not a fact, it’s bullshit you’re spouting.

Like I said, if you are even trying to argue against it then you obviously don’t even have the slightest grasp of the differences between western and Chinese culture.

The Bullshidi have a pretty damn good understanding of the differences between the cultures. This is a website where Chinese, Korean, Japanese, American, Brazilian, and a lot of other cultures meet and co-relate.

You have a pretty shitty understanding of both Chinese AND Bullshido culture.

I don’t think you’re going to last on Bullshido. You’re just too stupid.

You keep mentioning my bias, but all I see is a bunch of TCMA fetishists having a circle jerk.[/QUOTE]

Half of us are in BJJ too.

Which of us is the “TCMA fetishist” again? Do you mean Fake or Dale or me or all of us?

Stop being such a mouthboxing pussy. It’s getting old. It’s definitely not funny, even for YMAS.

[QUOTE=kamadul;2815131]My bias against acupuncture has more to do with the fact that it’s nothing more than ancient ninjer magic.[/QUOTE]
Why are more and more MDs and DOs are prescribing it or that most newer studies conducted in the West are showing it has positive effects on pain management?
Why does the US Navy employe my neighbor who is a Captain on her way to admiral in the Navy and am MD to use acupuncture for pain management? Why is it my insurance company covers the use of acupuncture for pain management?
Yeah all that shit sounds like its based on magic as opposed to observable effects.

My comment about the validity of acupuncture studies coming from China is not a bias, it’s reality. [/QUOTE]
No its ad hominem. If you have a problem with the studies point to the actual problem in the studies. Point to the faulty methodology. While you are at it explain how it is when they are reproduced outside of china you still end up with the same results.

Like I said, if you are even trying to argue against it then you obviously don’t even have the slightest grasp of the differences between western and Chinese culture. [/QUOTE]
Yes of course as an Electrical/Manufacturing Engineer I never ever have to deal with the Chinese.

You keep mentioning my bias, but all I see is a bunch of TCMA fetishists having a circle jerk.[/QUOTE]
I am looking at my Style Field I don’t see a single TCMA in it. I have never studied any TCMA so try again.

bigoted racists need to go.

we do not need their subhuman offal stink.

[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2815135]
Stop being such a mouthboxing pussy. It’s getting old. It’s definitely not funny, even for YMAS.[/QUOTE]
I disagree I always find it rather funny when people make an ass out of themselves. These are that ass hats that make bullshido fun for me.
Without them it would be pretty dead around here most of the time and a bunch of Aliveness training circle jerking.

I am looking at my Style Field I don’t see a single TCMA in it. I have never studied any TCMA so try again.[/QUOTE]

Here’s all you need to know about kamadul and his anti Chinese prejudices.

He has threatened to ignore EVERYONE on Bullshido with a CMA in their style field, this is why pretends to not read my posts and never respond directly to me, have you noticed?

He came to Dale’s gripe thread to troll, first hiding behind “SCIENCE!” and now hiding behind the “facts” that he’s learned by dealing with Chinese people.

Now, its come full circle back to TCMA. Everyone arguing against him must be a CMA “pajama dancer” as he put it. In his mind Goodlun, you are dancing in a silky grey kung fu sahm RIGHT NOW, while typing your responses to him and humming “The General’s Mandate”



You suck. Period.

take that bigoted racist drek and stick it.

Like most of you mouthboxing pissants, I would love to meet up and introduce you to the wonderful world of synaptic misfiring.

This CMA guy is 6’2", strong and well trained.

[QUOTE=kamadul;2815131]My bias against acupuncture has more to do with the fact that it’s nothing more than ancient ninjer magic. My comment about the validity of acupuncture studies coming from China is not a bias, it’s reality. Like I said, if you are even trying to argue against it then you obviously don’t even have the slightest grasp of the differences between western and Chinese culture.

You keep mentioning my bias, but all I see is a bunch of TCMA fetishists having a circle jerk.[/QUOTE]

Well, we now have established that you have a problem with reading, look at my style field dipshit. That is what it is there for.

“Facts” about dealing with Asia people…WAIT WAIT WAIT!

I FINALLY got it. I know who kamadul has been reminding me of.


[QUOTE=kamadul;2815116]It’s not a bigoted remark, it’s a statement of fact.[/quote]You do understand that “fact” and “bigoted” are not mutually exclusive right? This is a rhetorical question because the quote shows the answer is “no.”

If you do not understand the difference in the way truth is valued between the two cultures you don’t have any business opening your mouth about this topic.
You inserted this irrelevant topic, red herring, start your own thread.

And there is no debate going on by people who know what the fuck they are talking about. There is a re-hash of previous arguments between people who know what the fuck they are talking about. All you get here is “my source is bigger than yours.”
Says the guy who posted a source about truth and lies, not acupuncture, then built an entire defense of his red herring. Bigots do tend to be filled with hypocritical and ironic assertions.