Chess Boxing

It is fight night in a smoky Berlin nightclub. The lights go down, the stage door opens and out walks a pharmaceuticals salesman from San Francisco. David “Double D” Depto has travelled 5,000 miles (8,045km) in search of glory. As he shuffles, then skips towards the ring, bare-chested and beating the air, this American muscle machine looks cool and confident. Seeing his opponent though, I would not be. In the blue corner, solid as the Brandenburg Gate, stands a German riot policeman who goes by the name of “Anti-Terror Frank”. And predictably the crowd is on his side.
A bell sounds. Seconds out - round one!

But just when you would expect the punches to start flying, something rather odd happens.

Oh ma gawd! - this is made for me! I was chess champion at my school :P. Often conflicted with my judo even. So I just gotta win in the first round to avoid being concussed into knocking all my pieces over the next round.

As I recall, the main problem with the sport is that if you’re an good boxer, you can beat the other person without knowing a whit about chess. Still, an interesting idea. Now how about Go Kung-Fu?

Crap…you beat me too it…I was going to start a thread about this today. :stuck_out_tongue:

Kung Fu had Chess Boxing first!

You gotta be kidding me… is that a real movie?

Oh yes, as real as you or I, pretty good and funny from what I remember, but I saw it when i was like 10 so that may not be a reliable review lol

Yeah, that just looks awesome bad on the order of Gymkata. Like there should be 2 tiny robots and a dude on the bottom of the screen making fun of it. Will have to see if Kim’s has it.

actually, the organizers say they require competitors to have a minimum 1800 ELO–that’s a fairly advanced chess rating, equal to maybe a purple belt in BJJ.