Captain Chris Close Combat Training

I was wondering if i could bring the good people of bullshido into the light about a self-proclaimed Grandmaster of a forgotten and forbidden fighting system whom you may want to launch an investigaion on. Intrigued? Keep reading!

Okay, listen up, this guy’s name is Captain Chris and he claims to knoe and teach a unique martial arts system designed in World War II by the Allies to defeat the Axis. This system is said by him to be both deadly and graceful. But before i go into this, this guy has also made some alarming and downright insulting claims;

1, Firstly he claims to be ex US military trained to interrogate people for the speacial forces (and if my understang of US law is correct, claiming too be a member or former member of the US Armed Forces is illegal.).

2, Secondly he claims to teach both US and British Special Forces operatives this system (which would never happen if it were true).

3, Thirdly he claims to teach this system to bounty hunters, mercenaries and international assasins.

4, And finally, he claims he teaches it for $14,987.00 per lesson, but will teach it too ordinary people, for absolutely free.

Now here’s the bad part; He claims his system is so advanced it can kill almost anyone in 5 seconds or less, which is possible (but excepionally rare) if you are a lifelong devotee to the martial arts, but he claims he can teach you to do it in just a few hours. He also claims this system is learnable in just a few days by anyone, and i mean anyone; men, women, fat guys, thin guys, tall guys, short guys. You name it, he claims it. It is also claimed this would work on anyone, and once again, he means anyone. But enough about that, i think you have to read and see it to beleive it. Below is a link to the site. Well worthy of an investigation i think you will agree. And watch your step, theres bullshit all over that place, would’nt want to mess up your shoes.

Yours faithfully bsbuster

We saw his work as Lt X and “Top Secret Training”. To put it charitably Chris Pizzo’s tape sucked, and I’d be surprised if his present work is any better.

This guy will spam the crap out of your inbox, and try to sell you a bullshit system that is totally ineffective.

Thank all that is holy and good , that clans of Commander Coal and Captain Chris cannot interbreed in this generation , but if they spawn and their spawn are of interlocking sexes … well the two most despicable human blood lines in the M.A. world may join as one .

Thats why i used a fake sign in and cleaned the sysem afterwards

First let me say that I totally agree that the system he is teaching is BS. However, I can’t say that the points you brought up are BS because I have no proof one way or the other.

  1. Claiming to be a member of the Military is only illegal if it isn’t true. He could have been a member of the military.

  2. US and British special forces cross train all the time. So your assumption is wrong. When my brother went through Army Airborne school, their were British and Israeli special forces in his class.

  3. There is a guy that rolls with me that is a bounty hunter. That is no big claim. I also have a friend that was a mercenary…no big claim there. Because he doesn’t ave to prove his students allegations.

  4. Just because he charges outlandish prices…or does it for free, doesn’t make it BS.

So while I agree with your statement that he is teaching BS, I don’t agree with your justifications of why. You really need to do a little bit more research before accusing someone. Besides the fact that the guy is not going to come on here an defend himself because his site is a money making scheme. And you just helped out his site by directing people to go to his link. Good one!

  1. This was a typo, it was supposed to say " falsly claiming to be a member or former member etc…" i only noticed as soon as i posted it, i dont know how to change it, please tell me how.

  2. Whilst they might cross train all the time, (i know this to be true as i come from a military family) it is rarely British learning off US as it is widely known and excepted (includiing in the US) that the British military is far better trained the the American military expecially the SAS and SBS.

  3. With regards this point i believe a mistake has been made. Whilst i except that mercs, assasins, and Bounty Hunter’s commonly train in martial arts. Any Assasin, merc or Bounty Hunter worth his/her salt would see this for what it is, BS.

  4. I accept outlandish charges does not make it BS. Claiming to dramtically lowering your prices for no real reason is. Why would he do it for free if he has such a high fanbase.

And finally, nobody has to visit the site, and they do NOT have to submit thier true name or email. i once used the email adress tdfhss.fgh@junununununga.huj so it does not have to affect the people at all. So yes, it was a good one.

This is not a MABS-worthy thread.

Shut up & lurk more, BSbuster.

make me.

That’s the wrong tact to take with a MOD. If you do actually study at AlnwickTKD, you may want to go to your fellow student who also posts here & ask him what the rules are for posting here.

Or read the stickies yourself.

Do not talk to me about tact, incorrect tact is what you are currently practising in. If you are as high as you claim you will know that this is my first ever thread, and i have been a member for fewer than 24 hours, so as a result i do not fully understand the ropes, i must learn and i currently am doing so. I only posted it to prevent innocent people from falling in to a trap. As for this fellow student, he is my brother. We have extremely colliding and different views, he is to some degree a racist, i am a liberal of sorts (i dont hug trees, but i do believe in equal oppurtunities for all, ALL.) He slates Martial arts schools without engaging in thier classes. He has infact been confronted about this in person by another member of bullshido who studies within the art he has insulted. I only slate schools i myself have sampled and find them to be in deep fault. He believes that ITF Taekwon-do is the only system that can work, i accept the fact that there is no such thing as the perfect system and that even Taekwon-do (an art that literally saved my life) has its faults. For example it lacks the throwing capability needed for open competitions or a common British streetfight. So dont try to claim to understand me. Tact is never so black and white. NEVER.

  1. Widely accepted by who? I don’t think that our American SEAL, Marine Force Recon, Army Rangers, or Arirforce Parajumpers think that they are undertrained. I know many of them. You would not say that to their face.

  2. How would you know.

  3. I actually know martial arts instructors that teach classes for free. Some for community service.

So does that mean that you have sampled the Captain Chris Combat Training and therefore find it to be at fault?

Did you buy the series?

What particular techniques were so shitty?

BSbuster, once again.

Shut up, read the stickies, lurk more.

First, your TKD rant does nothing to support your argument.

Second, learn to adhere to the P&P of places you visit…this forum in particular. There’s a reason there are sticky threads and there are reasons we ask that people read them before posting. If you’re brand new to the forum, wouldn’t you think it would make more sense to come off sounding like you’ve paid attention to the rules, read up on how things done, and post accordingly.

Finally, you’re an idiot for popping off to a moderator. They are moderators for a reason and not simply, “just because.” If you’d taken his advice and read up on stuff, you’d not be catching crap for being a jackass and speaking out of line. I’d say your lucky the banhammer has smacked you across the head yet.

BSBuster, here’s a tip: Go to Newbietown and make an introductory thread about yourself (if you haven’t already) and when you are looking at the different forums make sure to read the stickies. They contain most of the rules and posting policies set forth by the mods here.

I commend your desire to help out, but like Der said you need to lurk more and read some of the other threads. MABS is one of the more highly regulated forms on Bullshido (with good reason) so don’t get butt hurt if a mod tells you something.

PS-Welcome to bullshido

Finally, some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism for a change.ty

Im not slating this school. Because for one simple reason… IT IS NOT A SCHOOL. If he were to open a free class instead of free DVD’s, then i could sample it and decide, but he isnt, so i dont.

moving to YMAS

  1. NATO head office, and i never said they were undertrained, i said they were less trained. How can the USA amass the most effective military iff they have poorly trained soldiers? And i have had a blazing row with a US Marine stationed here, so infact, i would say it to thier faces. Also look at the training duration; US Army 13 weeks approx- British Army 26 weeks, US Marine Corps 16 weeks approx- British Royal Marines 32 Weeks. I would list the Special Forces training but i cannot find it and my friend (serving in the SAS) wont tell me. I suspect it is classified but i also suspec it follows the same lines. And SEAL training is based on Royal Marine training.

  2. Whilst i dont know any assasins or merc’s i know around 7 bounty hunters whom i am in regular contact with who also introduced me to a few more when i was seriously considering getting into it when i was 15.

  3. I too know matial artists who teach for free in the name of charitable/community services. My own instructor sometimes gets involved in such things, it is comendable and i myself am planning to open a free class when i get my instructors class. All im saying is he will teach it free on DVD but not in person. Why? why does he cut it from $14,000 to $0? why not cut it from $14,000 to say $3000 per lesson. Tell me please