I was wondering if i could bring the good people of bullshido into the light about a self-proclaimed Grandmaster of a forgotten and forbidden fighting system whom you may want to launch an investigaion on. Intrigued? Keep reading!
Okay, listen up, this guy’s name is Captain Chris and he claims to knoe and teach a unique martial arts system designed in World War II by the Allies to defeat the Axis. This system is said by him to be both deadly and graceful. But before i go into this, this guy has also made some alarming and downright insulting claims;
1, Firstly he claims to be ex US military trained to interrogate people for the speacial forces (and if my understang of US law is correct, claiming too be a member or former member of the US Armed Forces is illegal.).
2, Secondly he claims to teach both US and British Special Forces operatives this system (which would never happen if it were true).
3, Thirdly he claims to teach this system to bounty hunters, mercenaries and international assasins.
4, And finally, he claims he teaches it for $14,987.00 per lesson, but will teach it too ordinary people, for absolutely free.
Now here’s the bad part; He claims his system is so advanced it can kill almost anyone in 5 seconds or less, which is possible (but excepionally rare) if you are a lifelong devotee to the martial arts, but he claims he can teach you to do it in just a few hours. He also claims this system is learnable in just a few days by anyone, and i mean anyone; men, women, fat guys, thin guys, tall guys, short guys. You name it, he claims it. It is also claimed this would work on anyone, and once again, he means anyone. But enough about that, i think you have to read and see it to beleive it. Below is a link to the site. Well worthy of an investigation i think you will agree. And watch your step, theres bullshit all over that place, would’nt want to mess up your shoes.
Yours faithfully bsbuster