Canadian Roll Call, Eh!

Now every time I hear bagpipes, instead of thinking “the sound of bagpipes is evocative of the wild scenery of Scotland, and the uniqueness of its people”, I’m going to be thinking “Oh, Omega’s getting a blow job”.
Amazing Grace just lost its mystery.

The only good thing to come out of the other CA is poutine

Gee thanks. Now I’ll be the chick at funerals fake-bawling into a hankerchief to camoflauge her fit of giggles. Nice.

Well you should visit, hopefully my home town.

@ America

Canada is like a stupid hat America has to wear around because it lost some stupid bet all the while saying “ignore the hat, I realize it’s ghey, stupid and ugly but a bet’s a bet”.

Omega for president of Newfoundland!!!


AeroChica - Omega’s sidekick (namely me) was born just a short drive on the wrong side of that line and considers herself Canadian at heart.

I’m in the same situation (but reversed). Where you at?

Born in Washington, now residing in California. Part of the cultural exchange program - balancing out the number of Golden State citizens who invade the Northern Territories.

I’m actually on my way down to Washington to visit a friend, I had hoped you’d be around there so I could check out your gym. Too bad :frowning:

Just keep driving south . . .

Hahaha, well I can’t just stay in America. I have people to arrest up north.

Understandable - maybe next time, eh?

I’ll definitely try to drive down sometime. It would be so much fun to call Omega Canadian to his face.

Nah, what we need to do is mobilise the Commonwealth.

We’ll start of with a 2 fold ploy of not allowing Americans into our caribbean, at the same time as getting Nigeria to 419 them to death.

In fact we should just get all members of the commonwealth to adopt the same currency, and stop using the american dollar internationally. That’ll mess them up good and proper… :wink:

Today was the most perfect Canadian winter day!

It snowed lightly overnight, not enough to shovel or mess with traffic, but enough to make it look like a cloud landed on the city - everything all white and quiet. The temperature was just below freezing, cold but comfortable. Fresh. There is a small brown rabbit living in my front hedge, and I could see it hiding behind the grapevine deer on my front walk as I brushed the feathery snow from my car. It was beautiful! <sigh>

Omega - you are missing out dude! Your homeland is calling you…