My friend hadoukened me the other day when we were karate fighting in the park, and I was puking my guts out for like three days afterwards, plus I have some weird sores forming on my genitals. He said the grandmaster of the Ichimongi Ninja Fighting System taught it to him. Does anybody here know how to do a hadouken or block a hadouken??? I need to learn pronto.
We knew you could do it! NoTeefa posted, YAY! And if a bot is this rude, just imagine harsh this is gonna be. Hope you’re wearing a thick gi.
What colour was the Hadoken? Somtimes I can produce a brown hadoken.
My finishing move is generally a teabagging.
Be very grateful you chose to post this in noobie town.
Depends what I had for supper the night before
Although I have attempted the hadouken many times, I have never been able to perform this manuever precisely. If you are interested in learning the yoga flame, I think the Skatt Brothers can help.
Depends on whether or not the lighter fluid turns the flame blue in my hands
such excellent work wasted in n00bville.
Nothing peps up a slow day like a hadouken thread!
Guys this isn’t funny. It is a cry for help.
weird sores=STD
Ichimongi Ninja=special touching
Use a condom next time.
I’ve never admitted this on the forums before, but I have no idea what a Hadouken is.
If it’s supposed to be a flaming chi-ball, as my inductive skills would lead me to believe, I’m glad I never wasted 30 seconds of my life googling that crap.
Call me crazy, but I prefer actually beating someone up when I get in a fight, rather than attempting to emulate techniques seen in a children’s cartoon.
It’s actually from a video game, get with the times old man!
Care to repeat your statement, sir?
Screw that. The times should get with me.
Oh boy, we’re out of noobietown.
Here ya go NoTeefa, you’re gonna want to go out and get a case of this:
this thread had so much promise…
Actually, I’m suprised you didn’t play that particular game. It was huge during the late eighties.
The Hood had a Liquor store on every corner.
The Suburbs had a Video game Arcades on every corner.