I mean, you guys seem to be talking down to me a lot through your keyboards. Has anyone here ever done ANY training though? I am seeing some pretty abnoxious and arrogant and ignorant things being written. Qualities I find are usually weeded out by the time someone starts a career in fighting or does serious full time training.
So, any Military service, anyone?
Any fight tallys? We got any tournament fighters here?
Anyone actually train full time?
Or are we all just a bunch of desk workers who do a casual Karate class 3 times a week for an hour and a half and watch some UFC on cable and think we know everything all of a sudden?
Go on, surprise me, who here is actually qualified, or are we all just talking about something we know nothing about?
Am I the only one with a tick in every box up there?
Go to the throwdown thread jackass. We video tape the hell out of them and we all fight hard. People post a new ameture fight here about once a week. We have a shit load of soldiers here as well. Where are your fight vid’s and credentials? Mine and the rest of the NY bullies have practically all their video’s online on youtube or on Bullshido in the video thread. Search more dumb fuck.
If not, please view the Throwdown footage and the various headers on people’s posts, e.g. ‘Military’, ‘Law Enforcement’, ‘Instructor’, ‘Amateur/Professional Fighter’ and so on.
I only started training properly a few weeks ago, so I dont offer as much criticism.
This is what I am talking about? God damn. Okay, Dan Henderson, point taken. I dont watch UFC, but Google does… Also, yes, the font is tough, thanx for the comment.
You know, talking like a bunch of fucks dont make you tough. I usually find weaker people throw the insults you guys do to compensate for their short comeings.
Arrogance is only going to make you blind toward what you dont like, which is usually your enemy. Now you are all in for an ass kicking one day and it is going to be reality as hell.
Yeah I do. I posted pics of me in the itroduce yourself thread of me at my full time muay thai gm in thailand. I also got pics of me in the army and stuff.
I was just wondering what you guyz all did. Now I got sworn at so many times I think I will look for conversations somewhere else where people have some fuckin manners.
Yes actually, there are quite a few of all three here. Look at the tags on their posts, there are instructors, military guys, LEOs, and am/pro fighters. The real cool thing is, to get those tags they actually have to prove they are who they say they are.
Alright. Originally I was going to give you a 4/10, but you’ve gotten yourself a 6/10. Actually, I’m taking it down to 5/10 because there isn’t as much purple rain.