In light of my not-so-recent relationship breakup (the crafty little bitch, it’s been over two years), I have been thinking that there is nothing more able to suck the failing spark of vigour out of somebody’s libido like marriage or the prospect thereof.
I’m not talking about a fuckbuddy, courtesan, person you have the number of etc. I’m talking about the silly English inspired laws we have in this country and the notion that the bitch gets at least half your possessions, but more that she gets to stick the knife in…
She used to say we could only become an item when I became an academic or something and earned money. What the hell happened to mutual desire?
To the married men on this forum I say RUN, RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN! :help:
To the homosexuals on this forum, don’t bother pushing for gay marriage. Spend your time holding a party or something.
Together is such a nuanced word. It has so many meanings. To some it means the time they spent as a “couple”. In other cases, it could be the time between the day she smiled at him in passing and the day got the first restraining order.
I propose that we use tharuz for vivisection: the QBI uses his olfactory epitheleum as a source of stemcells. First step: AnnaTrocity gets that sense of smell she always wanted (cos a tomboy like that DESERVES one!) and I get to drive cars, tie shoelaces and fly jets.
Fuck the rest of him. They can throw him to the plovers.
To answer your question: of course a person, man or woman can be turned off marriage, after they’ve had a sucky experience.
Be to be perfectly honest, sounds to me like you just picked the wrong woman, or let things go badly in the marriage.
Marriage is designed to be forever, so make sure you’re picking right.
If you’re that afraid of getting mugged, get a prenuptial agreement.
Now, while i agree that there are terrible problems with divorce laws, if you just marry a decent person, and ensure that the relationship doesn’t go completely ridiculously out the window to the point that she hates you…well, then you shouldn’t really have too big of a problem.
I feel like I can shed some light on this for you. I grew up with 5 step fathers and hated my mother for putting me through that shit.I married a girl I knew all my life when I was 22. At the time I was a police officer and life was good. I enrolled in college and was going to get my degree in criminal justice. Then she got pregnant.
I decided to quit the police force and become a teacher. The reason was I didn’t want my son to ever be without his father. So I struggled through college and worked at night teaching taekwondo all to get my degree in 3 years. The day before my graduation she goes into the hospital with a collapsed lung. I walked from the graduation to the hospital room in a cap and gown to show her the diploma and tell her how much I wished she was there. Two weeks later she leaves me and my son to fend for ourselves. Her excuse was that she just didn’t love me that way anymore.
What ensued after that was a 2 month drinking bender. My mother thank god had took my son for the summer to stay with her while I “recovered”. I got a job and was teaching and raising my son and working through the whole thing with alcohol. It took about a year to not feel like shit and not have to drink to go to sleep. During such time I built a high distaste for the opposite sex. I spent about 2 years fucking anything that would let me and then treat them like shit afterward. During this time I never put my son in danger nor let him see how bad his mother effected me.
Then I meet my new wife. She really saved my life. I wasn’t looking for her nor was I expecting to find someone like her. She came into my life and made it better. I became ashamed of the man I was and started remembering what a real man should be like. I turned my life around got off the booze and started acting responsibly. She never demanded I do anything or change the way I was. She just had a way of supporting me and making me feel better when I was around her.
We have been together now for 7 years and married for 5. Currently we have a daughter on the way. I can honestly say I am very happy with the way things have turned out.
Is 2 years a long time to agonize over getting dumped? Nope. Everyone is different. If you think other wise you have never truly been in love. So yea it takes some time but in the end it will get better. Just remember that when you least expect it someone can change your life.
No, you’re thinking of my brother. But even he has several academic degrees. I don’t like the man, but both of us are smarter than you (as is even the dumbest prole on this board)
In short you’re an anti-intellectual. Now shut up while they get the bonesaw ready.