Calling ye Photoshop masters!

Hi all,

I have a rather bizarre problem here: A girl I have a crush on (THE girl I have a crush on)
is a big fan of two movie characters:

Heath Ledger as the Joker, and Hammy the Hamster from Over the Hedge.

Now, I’d like to make her little present, and photoshop Hammy on the Joker card.

Thing is, my photoshop skills suck.

Can anyone please help me out with this?

Here are the pics I have considered to modifiy:

  • Joker: (BIG)

  • Hammy:

If someone could do this for me, this would be tremendous! :icon_geek

All I can obviously offer in return would be, well, an invitation to our (supposed) future wedding!:duckie:



ahem Pic of girl might make the creative juices flow.

I suspect that’s why he didn’t include one.

No pic available.
She’s not my GF, but just a girl I know.

Coolest person I have ever met, though,

Oh, and needless to say, she’s much prettier than me points to pic and shrugs when people might think of his possible “options”. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yeah, please keep your creative juices where they rightfully belong.

Last man to try that had instant gong sao with me on the dancefloor.
(Ugly story, but I am so darn batman-like cool when I am angry…)

Bah, so noone dares to help me?

Well, this is what I got so far - by myself:

:slight_smile: Thanks, I better do! This is all I got so far:

On a side note, I wonder where all you guys get PS or even CS from. I mean… you know… it is not like I would not need it but I am still using an oldschool photoshop 6.0 version.
Am I to nice for this world?

I actually use GIMP, which is free.

The handling is not as easy as with PS, but the results are okay.

Started with Photoimpact, tried gimp, failed horribly, used PS for a while, tried gimp again, failed again, never touched it ever since.
Guess I am spoiled by the usability of PS, maybe I should look into it again, if it can handle Canon-RAW (*.CR2) properly I might give it another try.

I have no idea - it was the first time I used it, and it took me hours to get even that done.

As to further, more complex use, can’t really comment.

Bodyninja is the master you seek! his photo shop fu is strong.

:icon_mrgr Thanks a lot, but it looks like I don’t need any help any more:

Maybe I won’t make it into her heart,
but this here at least made it on her desktop! Epic win!
(No, didn’t get a date, but still hoping.)

You might check this out…


I am not sure if I am not a bit old for that already.
Usually, things go pretty easy for me with the ladies, or so it is said.
Point is, this one is more. :icon_mrgr
The first one in ages I trully care about.

…And as usual, those things that are really important are much harder to gain…

And, for the record, I don’t believe there’s any form of dating technique/advice people can give in general. Getting laid, yes, that can be trained. Evoking a feeling that can last, impossible.

You should try the lebell methode, I have it seen in action and I made a half assed attampet of it once and it worked on the girl from the NL and one from down under :rolleyes:
But if it fails you better see the girls never again and make sure they have no contact to your friends and shit…

Lebell method… Not sure this is legal around here.

um… this is possibly the strangest concept thread yet

Is she also German? Tell her you’ll take her eastward for a snow picknick, I hear chicks love travel, and Germans have boundry issues :slight_smile:

Hehe, yeah. Though I can promise that pick-up lines like “Wanna come upstairs and I show you my little Blitzkrieg” do not necessarily lead to the desired result.:icon_joke