On a side note, I wonder where all you guys get PS or even CS from. I mean… you know… it is not like I would not need it but I am still using an oldschool photoshop 6.0 version.
Am I to nice for this world?
Started with Photoimpact, tried gimp, failed horribly, used PS for a while, tried gimp again, failed again, never touched it ever since.
Guess I am spoiled by the usability of PS, maybe I should look into it again, if it can handle Canon-RAW (*.CR2) properly I might give it another try.
I am not sure if I am not a bit old for that already.
Usually, things go pretty easy for me with the ladies, or so it is said.
Point is, this one is more. :icon_mrgr
The first one in ages I trully care about.
…And as usual, those things that are really important are much harder to gain…
And, for the record, I don’t believe there’s any form of dating technique/advice people can give in general. Getting laid, yes, that can be trained. Evoking a feeling that can last, impossible.
You should try the lebell methode, I have it seen in action and I made a half assed attampet of it once and it worked on the girl from the NL and one from down under :rolleyes:
But if it fails you better see the girls never again and make sure they have no contact to your friends and shit…
Hehe, yeah. Though I can promise that pick-up lines like “Wanna come upstairs and I show you my little Blitzkrieg” do not necessarily lead to the desired result.:icon_joke