Calling out everyone (challenge match)

Jedi mind control?

Imagine the carnage if any wrist grabbing did happen!!! :5squeeze:

Come to Atlanta Kiko. I’ll fight you.

We have a couple of conveniently scheduled throwdowns at Ga Tech, Oct 22nd and Nov 5th. So plenty of people should be around for you to rumble with if you can make it to the ATL.


Atlanta is a little too far.

Kikko…gong sau is completely different from Throwing Down.

Gong Sau is not just a challenge match.


Come to Raleigh, I’d be happy to fight you.

I’ve got 7 years of Wing Chun and about 4 months of BJJ under my belt so we seem fairly evenly matched.

I’m 5’11’', 225 pounds. How what size are you?

I am a 34x30, but I am a bit hippy.

I noticed u are in maryland. I have a sambo/judo background with a little boxing recently and go to college in DC. would accept challenge if u can make it to dc (too expensive to have car in dc)

Here are my stats.

Height: 6’6"
Weight: 200 pounds even.
Style: Taekwondo
Rank: Black belt

You have some weight but I have the reach. Are you serious about your experience? seems unlikely we would have the exact same time of training in each of our styles.

mmafreak422. I will fight you too, but AMP asked first. It’s Wing Chun vs. Taekwondo.

Gong sau’s can have deadly results.

Does anyone have a video camera?

Yeah, so don’t be throwing that term out. I like you. I don’t want you to die.

I am prepared to accept the consequences of a gong sau.

But I’ll be wearing my trusty cup, mouthpiece, and blue gloves just to be safe.

height 6 foot, weight 180, 2 years judo/sambo, 2 months boxing, definately would be wearing a cup and mouthpiece as well

Freakin’ new age tree-lovin’… get back to the 60’s, :icon_smil

Mapquest says it takes 5 hours, 38 minutes to get to Raliegh.

mmafreak422. Looks like I’ll be fighting you. Is there a gym or something we can meet at?

i go to school at george washington and it doesnt really have much in the way of mats but there is a soccor field that my friends and i have had some brawls. it cushions falls pretty well and it is out of the way of university police

Rampant testosterone!

Anyway. When you post the vid be sure to cut it with pictures of babes. Bikini’s and tiny little denim cutoffs for preference. Thankyou in advance

Fucking troll. Could someone please ban him?