Calling bullshido on BJJ "students"

Nothing wrong with BJJ, it’s a great art.

But I do have something to say about BJJ student’s mentality that BJJ is unbeatable. That is a false and dangerous mentality. Nothing is unbeatable. There is no greater art, only better fighters. That is as bad as a Wing Chun guy saying he is unbeatable, and trust me, that was the mentality of Wing Chuners during the Bruce Lee movie days.

Now Bullshido must be influencing me because I decided to bring up that I was now practising Brazilian JuJitsu, which I said generally dominates most other martial art styles.

Its funny how you’d say that to a 115 pound TKD girl…would you say the same in front of Lennox Lewis?? Why not? Because you know he got what it takes to kill you in a barefist fight. Stand up or on the ground. Just because he didn’t fight on the ground in a boxing match, what made you think he can’t when the rules didn’t limit him to boxing? I’ve seen the guy before, trust me you don’t want to say BJJ is unbeatable in front of him, at least not with the same kind of confident you have in front of a 115 pound girl.

Was Gracie able to take this guy down with his BJJ? Not really. There is no anti-grippling, the dude just step aside and Gracie roll to the ground by himself, almost fell out of the ring. Ended with the towel. Embarrassing fight.

Did this fight change anything for BJJ? No, nothing has changed. The art works, and it’ll continue to work. But it does prove one point, nothing is unbeatable. If you are bigger, stronger, younger, faster, you can win.

The moment you think you or your art is unbeatable, you became bullshido.

Does anyone seriously think it’s unbeatable? I’m not sure. Training in BJJ I have found the other students in general more humble than any other martial arts school I’ve been to.

You are shedding new light on what and how?

Congrations thats the first time I heard that.

BJJers have ego problems. That is nothing new. At least most of them can back it up. Rather the ninjers and tkders with ego problem what are fair too deadly to back it up.

Just becuase I want to:


You’ll be surprised how many people still think BJJ is unbeatable. Just read the post I’ve quoted above. He is not the only BJJ student that’ve said that, they are usually BJJ students that’ve never experienced any other art, so their pride and joy is all in this one art.

The same mentality goes to Wing Chuners, or any other martial art students, that thinks their art is the best and unbeatable. Same bull shit, just out of different mouths.


This thread certainly dispels any suspicions I have of you. :5shocking


funny, one of the BJJ blue belts at my gym was talking to me and Kat not long ago about how he was afraid his son, who was a krotty student, could knock him out if they got into a fight. Most of the people I know who do BJJ recognize the importance of cross training in a striking art and a takedown specialized art. Some just don’t have interest in anything outside of doing a martial art because they enjoy it.

What posts are you reading?

What I see is a TKD’er with no clue and a huge ego not wanting to see the truth.

I am sure Lennox Lewis can “back his shit up”, but you just don’t see someone confident like him say something like that, because he is confident enough to not have to say anything stupid.

Its all an ego thing, not talking about the art or anything. Maybe BJJ students were beaten when they were young? Who knows. This mentality will die out one day, just like how the Wing Chun is unbeatable mentality died out.

I’m still trying to figure out where I said it was unbeatable.

so, Penis, since you’re a student of BJJ, this thread is just about yourself right?

The fact is that where I live, BJJ happens to be far and away the best thing on offer.

Someone throw this crap in Trollshido

So let me get this straight, Bjj has nutriders just like -ing -un, TKD and Aikido? Wow, who knew?

Are you trying to steal the ‘shit thread starter’ title away from Sirc or something?

You really need to lurk more and post less. Any given art that is the current MA darling in the public’s eyes is going to have rampant nuthuggers clinging to it like it’s a rock in the middle of a storm tossed sea. Do us a favor and don’t insult those of us that have been aware of this for years with your startling insight into the glaringly obvious.

In conclusion, Bjj sucks, but you suck more. Fuck you very much.


I think the 15 is a reference to his age , which would explain the thread.

Funny thing is, I didn’t even get the phallic reference until Kidspatula pointed it out.

AHA! See a BJJ student saying it is unbeatable.

See above.

The few people I know in real life, not the interweb, who do BJJ, are nothing like the stereotype one could perceive by skimming the surface of the interweb.

The WC is unbeatable mentality died pretty much when everyone realized that WC’ers can’t fucking fight.

So a person’s age is referenced in his user name…I wouldn’t be talking if I were you.

according to his birth date, Pen15 is in his 60’s…

no wonder he sounds about as retarded as Dr. Tzun Tzu