>>> How do you hide your Romantic nature?
I don’t. I really don’t change my ways whether I’m single, pursuing a girl, or while being with someone in a relationship. I just try to be a gent, I pay attention to details (without turning into a doormat) and that’s about it.
>>> How do you express it?
I’m not sure. I’ve never separated romanticism with attraction. I simply let someone know that I’m attracted to her (implicitly or explicitly) and I let the chips fall where they may. Then, depending on much attention I get, I reciprocate. Again, small details, cooking for her, a flower, dinner with candles (women like that shit).
Again, it’s all in paying attention to details, but most important of all, when I do something for someone, it’s because it gives me pleasure in doing so (not because I’m trying to win for her approval or something like that.)
>>> Is it part of who you are or just a means to an end?
Part of me. Can’t deny, that it also becomes a means to an end. A person project romanticism towards someone he feels attracted to. It doesn’t occur in vacuum.
And if that person goes out of his way to use it as means towards an end (that is, he puts excessive energy and time into it to his own detriment), then he’s faking it, or he’s a doormat begin for some woman to approve him.
>>> Why are you so uncomfortable and sometimes downright aggresive about protecting the secret of your inner cutie?
Nope. That doesn’t apply to me.
A person needs to be comfortable with himself. Confidence without being arrogant or creepy is the key. When a man enjoys the company of a woman and naturally acts in a corteous way, paying attention to details, that becomes naturally romantic.
Small things go a long way. “I like your earrings”, “that dress looks nice on you”, an spontaneous kiss or a hug, helping her with things that need to be done at home, making her feel appreciated, that’s true romanticism. But it has to be genuine.
That is, romanticism is about appreciation, about appreciation of women when you are single, and of a woman in particular when you are in a relationship. It has to be genuine and explicit. It has to be natural, it cannot be forced, and it certainly is not the fake image of prince charming climing walls or stuff like that.
It’s about discrete gestures of genuine appreciation without turning into a doormat.