Butt Scoot. Check on Eddie Bravo’s vids on youtube for additional information.
Excised from: strategy for grappling guys with better clinch/takedowns - No BS Martial Arts
Buttscooting is never acceptable advice. Never.
That’s entirely different from buttscooting in that it doesn’t look retarded.
Did I say that, or did you assume it?
Can I suggest buttflopping now?
Alot of people do the buttscoot. It is not just Eddie. I tried looking up Eduardo Telles vids and that is all e does as well. Eddie just pull half guard alot.
And you took that as an endorsement?
I’ll tell you a secret, I am severely biased against butt scooting. It has no place in grappling in my opinion. If a person starts scooting along on their butt, I think their opponent should be allowed to soccer kick their head.
Pulling guard, while also a retarded option in my opinion, is a viable choice if your opponent completely outclasses you in the takedown department. Better to end up in the guard than in side or mount in these situations.
This would be awesome.
This would cause the extinction of the buttscoot.
This would just further increase the dominance of the Brazilian, adept at both the BJJ and the soccer.
Buttscoot to soccer kick for SkipSmith PLOX