Bully Rollcall

Ok guys, loads of you seem to have changed your name and I don’t have a clue who’s who so it’s time for a thread giving us your old name please.

Good idea, I’ve been freaking confused as hell!

I’m MrBadGuy.

I’m tharuz. STFU. Fuck all of you! You don’t know what 's like to be an angry fat teenager who provokes others into making fun of him.

I’m 3moose1.


[strike]I’m homosexual.[/strike]

That’s right bitches.

No, I’m just a humble…humble thing-gy.

I am darkness… I am the night.



This has gone very poorly very quickly.

I once touched another guys balls in Hebrew school.

Hippies and Jews…I’d like to see them interact in some way that provided lulz.

I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am the neurosis that requires a $500 an hour shrink. I am the moth that seeks your porchlight. I am the cloud that rains on your hit parade. I am the clipper that trims your hedges. I am the repairman that tells you your warranty has expired. I am the combination lock on the vaults of justice. I don’t need an appointment.

For I am…


Darkwing duck lines from YouTube - I Am The Terror That Flaps In The Night

Shit dude, you really let yourself go

Damnit. I was just about to do this too.

Anyway, you forgot my favourite… I am the batteries that aren’t included.

I’m Spartacus

I’ve got something on my elbows.

you’re a jew?

I miss Hebrew School.

I’m havin’ a poop!


I love it, i have all the judaism, none of the shitty hebrew schooling!