Bully kid in TKD

I teach a kids TKD class and theres this bully kid that I allways have to get on to.

He lives with his grandpa. I’m guessing this boy has had a rough childhood.

we’ll play games, and if he loses, he throws a fit, cries and starts making excuses why he lost, he even argues with me. (the boy is like 13 years old!!) I punish the boy regularly, but then his grandpa gets into it, spanking him in the bathroom and what not.


any advice?

oh yea, i hear pride fighting is coming to the US. You guys think its gonna topple UFC’s reign?

Move to the General BS section?

how do you punish him?

push ups, cant participate n activities he likes etc…

Are you also rewarding him for doing good things? Studies show that positive reinforcement is a better tool for learning than punishment.


My advice is to drop the kid’s contract and ask them to come back after he learns to play well with others.

YES! I let him be my assistant instructor for a day.

The guy is a real troubled kid though… his grampa is a war vet that spanks the crud outta him (well not too bad, the man is elderly) when he gets outta line. but i dont want him having to correct my student during MY class.

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. There’s the door kick him out, take away his belt, tell him to comeback when his attitude improves. Either that or kick his ass. And yes I teach kids, I taught hundreds of them for the past 15 years. If you can’t read between the lines on this one don’t bother asking.

Sit him down with his grand dad there as a witness and talk about appropriate behaviour and your expectations for students in the class. If there is a code of conduct take him through the parts that he may be infringing and how he might be able to manage his behaviour better. Get him to see that his behaviour has been distracting for the class/ has been inappropriate, and been bad for his own reputation and respect in the group, also if he’s ever going to get better there will be many disappointments because training is all about trying to improve.

Warn him that you will always discipline him if he ever repeats the behaviour and this will involve (maybe 20) pushups and situps and showing appropriate self-control before being allowed to rejoin the class - if he cant do that he will sit the rest of the session on the bench. Failure to comply will mean you release him from his contract.

Put in a system where everyone earns the right to do more fun things.

Everyone starts the same.

If you do the right thing you progress to fun activities.

The un-fun stuff can be conditioning etc etc

The fun stuff can be game-like drills and sparring etc.

Poor behaviour knocks you back to the unfun club, as well as poor attendance, not participating etc.

Perhaps not the best way to do it (you are teaching them that conditioning sucks) but it would keep order.

Do NOT use force on the boy if he plays up. Tell him he will be excluded and tell his grandpa that you won’t tolerate him spanking a young person in the dojang. I got bashed from 10 till 17 and I find people hitting “troubled” youth absolutely reprehensible. (Or hitting anyone outside of a tournament or grudge match, for that matter).

If THAT doesn’t work, report suspected child abuse to the local cops and show the kiddie bashing grandpa the door, citing the Trespass Act or whatever your equivalent is.

I wouldn’t normally advocate force against an old person, but if he STILL persists in beating the boy in your presence, use that really cool wristlock you TKD lot have and throw him out.

Make the kid the heavy bag for a few rounds.

Lefty, punch, spastic, you know nothing of teaching kids.

MMA Kid. Gee a 13 year old arguing with you, like that’s not to be expected. First he has no respect for you, grandpa does all the disciplining. You need to talk to the grandpa, you need to kick the kids ass (obviously don’t kill the kid but he needs to know why you’re the instructor).

Make the kid a leader. He’s an Alpha Male. Excuses will not be tolerated, push ups are nothing. He understands nothing of underlings he wants to be ahead of the class. You are the main man he must respect you, then show him how to get that respect from others.

You don’t have to believe me but you need to take his belt away, you need to kick him out of class, you need to tell his grandfather to back off. After you demonstrate how much power and control you have of the situation put him as a small leader. Have him lead classes. Build off his ego.

If this doesn’t work he’s got to leave the school. I’ve seen it too many times in the past. He’ll get the other kids to quit and he won’t stop. If he’s worth saving it’ll never get to this point but coddling the kid and talking to the kid is going to go in one ear and out the other.

A tiny pedantry note: Punishment and reward are not synonymous with positive and negative reinforcement. They are like different axis on the same graph.

Sorry, PL, this bullshit triva nazi lives inside me and sometimes takes me over.

Thank you…

It is a problem but only really hurts my quality of life on dates.

“I beg to differ, darling, I think what you meant was that the quality of the service would affect the tip. . . Where are you going? It’s not as though your choices for consensual vaginal intercourse at this hour of the evening present you with a superior alternative for our imepending assignation, which, while perfunctory will at least provide closure, the potential for satisfaction and a chance of performing as an equal, no more then two of which you could possibly be gleaning from this conversational exchange…baby? Come back! RETURN MY ADVANCES FORTHWTIH!
. . .
. . .
. . .
Hmph. Sapphic harlot!

you know, this strikes me as funny.

Make him fight wild dogs.

That really isn’t the definition of a bully.

A bully would be more like a kid that woudl take cheap shots during sparring or acctaully try to hurt another person in sparring just because they can.