She certainly is a gorgeous lady. But im a bit old fashioned about these things. I cant really form a judgement until I meet her (which is unlikely).
Can this become a thread where people post pictures of chicks and then everyone else answers the question, “Would you hit it?”
Edited for spelling
been done.
She’s a dog. A fucking DOG. I wouldn’t hit that with YOUR cock. Maybe if she brushed her teeth and had EXTENSIVE plastic surgery I’d consider it.
i think that covers all the bases
Huh? I don’t get the last pics.
Redheads are insane. When I was in High School, the hottest cheerleader in school who was a devil’s daughter started telling me she was in love with me. Did I mention I was probably one of the biggest dorks in school? I ended up writing her a love poem, and her snooty friends were so impressed by it they turned on her and stood up for me. The year ended and I figured I was gonna get my ass kicked by her new jock bf and his buddies, so I started taking martial arts and lifting weights like a madman. I came back the next year one of the biggest dudes in school, and everybody was afraid of me.
Years later I almost married a fat crazy ginger. I was fat too, and offered to buy us gym memberships. She ran off crying to her mom. Then she became bulimic like she was before she met me, lost a ton of weight, and looked really hot and skinny. Did I mention her eyes had black circles under 'em and made her look like she was dying? I came over every day and offered to take her out to eat, and she said no. Of course her stupid chick friends kept telling her how good she looked. She told me she wanted to marry me, and then a week later told me she was fucking this fat guy we knew. He walked in, I tried to walk out, he got in my face, and I grabbed his fat jowly cheek with a claw hand and threw him across the room. I chased him with strikes and he hid behind her and called ME a bitch. Here’s the comedy; she said she left me because she was afraid I might one day hit her. I come back from the west coast years later, and her friends tell me she married him and he hits her. You can’t write jokes like that. I saw her in a store one day, and she was hideously fat and pregnant, and had a black eye. I laughed out loud and walked away.
great story. i owe you a beer.
I dont think it’s very nice to post pictures of girls you meet on bullshido and ask if people would hit it.
You should show her picture to your mom instead and ask if she’s pretty enough to marry.
Sirc’s Mom would be like, “You? Marry a girl? Yes, do it. Is she Chinese? Oh well, she’s still a girl your aunt owes me 20 bucks now, you’re a good son Sirc.”
Nose piercing = ewwwwwwww.
This is the second wholesome comment in a row you’ve made on this thread Kat. Is there anything wrong?
It’s ok. She doesn’t mind…
I hope.
Meh. She’s alright, but redheads are a dime a dozen in Scotland.
Paging Iscariot: cockblock on aisle 6.
Does she seem like she’ll get real attached? Are you interested in dating her for awhile? If the answer if yes, and then no, maybe you shouldn’t. Any other combination of answers is acceptable, and you should do her. Perhaps in the butt.
What’s the rest of her look like? Yes, I’m shallow, but all you asked is if you should"hit it". She could way 300 lbs, from the neck down. Beats your hand, though.
I’m with new2bjj. Sure she’s got a nice face, the kind that implies a nice body, but you can never be too sure.