Bullshido is the real BS

Im sure this will get edited or deleted, but heres the real truth

While the bullshido movement comes off as great because they expose and talk down about fake schools here is the sad reality

The bullshido movement will do anything to defame people that are better than them and not part of their group or clique

This movement consists of mostly sport fighters that refuse to believe there is a difference between sport fighting and street fighting.

Many of the comments they use to defame and attack other martial artists could easily be said about them as well.

I do agree there may be some real tough or accomplished people here that joined to stop 2nd and 3rd year blackbelts from openig their own schools prematurely or to stop those who claim they can teach you six styles at once, i agree that should be stopped.

Please do not be fooled most of the people that are part of this movement were awareded belts because they paid a school so long that the school had to award them so as not to scare them off, the same idealogy that they attack, which should be attacked.

However what should not be attacked is someone who is extremely accomplished but does not care to sport fight, just because someone won’t meet you in the octagon does not mean they are a liar. I am not talking about people who claim to distance death touch, or throw chi attacks, or levitation, i am talking about people who just try to claim they can do stuff that is absolutely physically possible with enough diligence.

Bullshido is the real BS, anyone who disagrees is the real brainwash victims, not the students of the masters you defame.

I am not saying there are no false masters, i am saying that bullshido will defame you if you do not join them, they do not take into account that you wish to remain humble, they will just call you a liar, worse off they will ask you what you are capable of then they will all gang up on you and call you a bragger when they asked you to speak of your abilities in the first place. How do I know this, because I myself and masters i know personally have been attacked by its members, if not its site completely.

Bullshido I challenge you to leave this thread as is, let the people decide, though i know what your MMA fanboys will say.

What?! Fuck you for saying I do faggot “sportfighting,” like a faggot. You snivling little cocksucker, go hang yourself before I kick down your door and do your mom like a Thai hooker.

Hey asshat, we don’t edit or delete posts unless they’re NSFW.

We just move them to the section appropriate to the topic at hand.

Looks like this guy migrated from Fight Quest forums to here.

Let the beating begin.

If you can’t demonstrate teh d3adly ninja arts of doom, you can’t train them either.

You got called out on your crap in the FQ forums, and now you’ve come to suicide bomb Bullshido. Because heaven forbid healthy skepticism become normal, then your audience would be gone. Brilliant tactical move on your part. Welcome, as they say, to the jungle.

So someone can throw a chopstick into some plywood. Yawn. I could get better penetration throwing my own flaccid penis through the top of your skull.

Stepped on to the wrong side of the tracks did he?

Hey OP, post a pic of yourself so I can photoshop it into some furry porn.

While I’m sure you mean it well, you find a better test of martial skill than MMA, and we’ll use it.

I understand that people are a bit butthurt at grappling being so necessary in a one on one match, but striking is making a come back. Train for yourself, and if you believe your abilities are worth anything, test them. Come back after that.

/yelling at the deaf

this is a fucking revelation people!

You know, it’d certainly help your case if you actually, you know, made references to specific people you thought Bullshido was attacking and provided evidence of their abilities.

Anyone can claim anything they like, if they don’t bother trying to prove it. Try actually making an effort in your little treatise, and people might actually give a damn.


there, I edited your post so that everyone else here wouldn’t have to read your tripe.

And quit being so vague, I for one like specifics.

lol, you just beat me to it joe

This is your one post, you must have had another acount to be ‘attacked by its members’ so why the change to another account and presumably another name?

If you agree with the mission then where is the problem?

Did someone say nasty things to you and you couldn’t cope with it?

So then you create another account to put up an insulting post that generalises, limits debate and then challenges in a forum for investigation and serious discussion of fraud in martial arts.

Evidence and other account details would be a good start to showing your statements are valid, otherwise its just ‘I say it is so its true’ nonsense.

Damn I am slow at this posting stuff business.

That’s actually pretty hilarious. You honestly believe that people on this forum care enough to tear down every thing that they don’t approve of? No, because BBJ technically isn’t part of MMA and according to YOU we would try to defame it.

I see no defaming attempts

What, oh no a hole in your logic?! try plugging it up with the bullshit you spew from your mouth.

By the way welcome to Bullshido:ky: up

Kozo the sumo hippo is posting from an IP which traces to a rehab facility.


Bran, this fine specimen was terribly embarassed when Matt…uhh…LEO self-avatar guy called him out on the Fightquest forums. Now he’s come here to head off the threat to his delusions of grandeur at its source.

Keep up, old chap.

Don’t ask me why I’m talking like I wear a monocle. I don’t know.

So his style must be loser fu!

please say you aren’t kidding, please.

I’ve seen the light! Fuck you Bullshido eat a bag of dicks.

Not really, <3 BS

Thanks for the info’.