Oke,you guys can kick me if it was already here,but if it wasnt,its a pretty cool proof of something we already know!
Oke,you guys can kick me if it was already here,but if it wasnt,its a pretty cool proof of something we already know!
It’s from the stoneage. However, I think we can all agree that a clip of that caliber cannot be watched to many times.
oh sorry,if its really old i’ll remove it,bu i never saw it before and i think this is a really nice one!
Especialy considiring we will be having an demonstration of an aprentice of one of this monkey’s soon and i seem to be the only one at our TKD school who thinks its total BS…
So i’m going to mail this link to them all…Maybe it helps…
By the way,i think its only possible to believe in shit like no touch and one touch knockouts if you train semi-contact or very traditional arts…You wont find a thaiboxer who believe’s in the one touch tricks.
(bad engelish sorry)
Well…if you can get one good shot into the temple and it knocks them out technically that was one touch right? I mean…if its your first one.
hehe,shit youre right…Wel there is the proof then…
by the way,isnt it cool that they try to KO Stephan bonar with the no touch:)