Bullshido = Bullshido?

I very seldom log onto this place anymore…
Sometimes just browse as a guest, as I have nothing quite so useless as to contribute to the general rambling and pointless crotch thrusting that goes on here…
It seems to be that if a site is going to represent fighting arts, then the mods should not be so inclined as to bump their gums so willingly and yet be so unwilling to fight. See your own thread about if an art has a few flaws is it bullshido. So what is JFUsa has crappy antigrappling? Anthony probably has neither striking nor grappling, nor the balls to stand up and fight. If you wont fight, dont talk shit, and as the populus of the forum apparently decided, one flaw does not bullshido make. Im tired of looking on here to find nothing but upperclass suburbanites talking about how to protect themselves in the “mean streets”, Dont try to tell me about the world when you aint even made it around the block.
I dont even know exactly where Im going with this… It just seems that every time I log onto this page, theres more bullshido here than in the wide world that this page is supposedly trying so hard to unmask. This place seems to grow by day to be more of a political forum based on cliques and cliche’d jokes of t3h d3adly, and high and mighty mods who are unwilling to fight.
Granted I have infinite respect for those of you on here who do fight and do so often, those of you who dont, shut the fuck up and call bullshido on yourselves. Bullshit.
And those of you ignorant assholes that think I am silkyjohnson… We’ll take a picture for ya. Im definately not him, and hes definately not me.
Ban me if you want… It will just prove my point further. I call bullshit on bullshido.

Trollshido is 3…2…1…

No… Not trollshido.
That is, however, the kind of bullshit answer I expected.
If no one has anything meaningful or any response, by all means close this thread and go back to your idiotic bickering.
I honestly dont expect anyone to post anything of substance in response… Ill leave you now to your safe and friendly internet environment. I know the world can be bright and scary outside of the online world, but its healthy to get a little sun every now and again. True bullshido is sitting around posting online all day and trying to talk about how much you train.
Good day gents, I wish the best to those of you who arent full of shit.

Best to you too~

Hi. Some fair points which I can empathise with. Not totally agree with though.

The vast mayority of what the site judges bullshido certainly is IMO. If bullshidoism is relative -as both of us seem to think - then nearly all other MA internet forums are far more bullshido than here.

Banned for being a sock puppet account for Silky Johnson. IPs match.

Hilarious. So, can we de-rail the fuck out of this thread, or is it going to be moved again?

Who is Silky Johnson?

Check through some of the JFS flame threads. He’s an asshat who was challenging Anthony.

Masquerade he did!

Banned he is!

You can’t call bullshido on a website, dumbass.

oh the irony