Bruising by Judo

I took the liberty of placing this thread in the Guantanamo Bay forum becuase it is a rather noob-style question.

Though I am not a noob to grappling, I am a noob to Judo. After a week of practicing Seoinage, Uchi Mata, and Ogoshi, I have noticed that I have a lot of bruising in my armpit area. I’m sure its from the heavy lapel usage, but it burns pretty bad during the shower, and my skin is pretty sensitive.
This type of bruising happened in other parts of my body when I started BJJ, but it wasn’t as bad as this.

Please keep in mind that there is heavy bruising because I practice with other noobs who are still using force and YANKING my lapel in order to execute the throw.

Anyway, my question is about the bruising.

  1. Will my body get conditioned to it like in BJJ even though the tugging is more agressive?

  2. Is there anything that I can do to ease the pain while practicing Randori.

Thanks in advance,

  • Timjitsu

EDIT (I soon realized that there is a Japanese MA forum shortly after placing the thread here, forgiveness please)

rash guards have always worked pretty well for me

Rashgaurds go some way, but if you have sensitive skin its something you will get used to.

Also as your training partners get better, this and the “Pinching” you get from ground work go away…to be replaced with more painful things. Don’t want to spoil it for you though.

If you’re getting gi burns and take off some skin, try the spray on bandage nuskin type of products. Heals much faster.

As your training partners get better, you’ll get less pinch bruises and gi burns. Rashguards can help in the meantime.

Wait until they start deliberately tearing your armpit hair out upon gripping.

Dirty fuckers…

I think your body will adapt and you won’t get so much bruising, or you will adapt and you won’t really notice it.

I highly doubt it, I shave.

ewwww, metro.

i used to be embarassed to shave my chest/body hair, but then i started noticing stubble under the gi tops of half the guys i roll with.

bjj is so gay. oh, uh, metro.

What if I use petroleum jellly in order to create slippage?

Your getting bruised from Ogoshi?:new_scram

After a week of practicing Seoinage, Uchi Mata, and Ogoshi, I have noticed that I have a lot of bruising in my armpit area.

uh. NO. But those are the only throws we have been doing, didn’t really mean that any one of those specific throws are doing it.

Though I would like to place the blame mostly on the Seoinage.

Yeah,seo nage can do that to you,especially with noobs.Ask your opponent to practice ippon seo nage instead,it may go a bit easier on ur armpit

Ah but then you get your skin pinched hardcore in the armpit.

You’ll get used to it after a while, my skin kind of adapted to the pinching and burning. I used to get bruised and burned all the time, but now it’s hardly the case. I still get bruises on my chest though, those seem to never go away.

Oh man, that last paragraph made it sound like I do Judo S&M style…

LMAO welcome to Judo suck it up noob.

Seriously, it gets better just wait till you get the callus on your forehead from practicing Adam’s post entry juji. It is perfectly normal that is a part or your body that up until now hasn’t had any attention aside from your girl licking you there. What noone else requests this?

As far as rash guards go some instructors my not let you wear them. Traditionally men wear nothing and women can wear a white Tshirt under the gi. So ask just to be sure.

Well, he does shave armpits and chest, etc. He may get away with wearing the rashguard