Love Jet Li but have to go with Bruce
In spite of what some other web-sites would have you believe, we here at welcome you, dragondog27, with open arms and hope that you will share with us your unique experiences and ideas on the martial arts… so that we may then make fun of those experiences and ideas.
:crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2: oh…my…god!
you like it hannibal cause you never have nothing good to say. Your pic is just down right fugly you look like you have leopracy in your face and I am sure whomever you are dating if you even are is a blob and you get it extra dark in the bedroom at night so neither one of you has to look at eachothers ugly asses.
Bad grammar…check
T3h d34d 133 vs Jet li thread…check
Okay. I’m making an executive decision here. Newbietown is for introducing yourself without fear, not starting very, very bad threads with “protection”.
So, this thread is now closed, and if you do this again, I hit a 24 temp ban that might allow you to ‘get’ the site better.
EDIT: Since the thread starter has started other threads outside NT, I’m assuming they realised the purpose and did this delibrately.