Bruce Lee vs Eotriceratops xerinsularis?

Whom do you think would trimuph in this contest of martial titans? It’s certainly a hard call…I mean the Eotriceratops xerinsularis is quite huge but surely such developed muscles would slow it down? Also such beasts on the other learn to fight by attacking one another rather then chi sao and kata so they would have no technique and would be easily overcome.

Bruce Lee on the other hand has little “chinese hands” as he said which means he could punch faster than light, he doesn’t need weight because he is so fast! He could one inch punch with the power of a jumbo jet engine so Eotriceratops xerinsularis should pose no problem too him at all.

…:eusa_wall sadly this is no less stupid then the other Bruce Lee threads. Link to the Eotriceratops xerinsularis info may be found here:

…what was this thread about again?

Whether or not Bruce Lee could beat the dinosaur mentioned, the newly discovered one…yes I know it seems rather pointless.

On the hand one could consider this didactic hyperbole, where the point is grossly exaggerated to prove a point: That is the pointlessness of these discussions (we all know, I know)



No More Dinosaurs in this house!

Last night, kid wanted to see dinosaur pictures, so I went on the web and found drawings from science web sites.

Froward to 3 am this morning, woken by scared child afraid to go back to room, because of thoughts of dinosaurs!

Would Bruce Lee pictures have the same effect?!?

We could try. Ah I love the randomness that is the behaviour and mind of a child. :expressionless:

It needed that. XD

Could Rickson Gracie umaplata the Eotriceratops xerinsularis ?

See that would have actually been a better thread I think:

Could Rickson armbar the dinosaur?
Rubber guard vs dinosaur
W/T vs…etc etc

Hehe, nevermind.

what other forumn would you ever hear… Rubber Guard vs Dinosaur. I love this site.

Ok time for some real data on this subject!

Please post your scariest Bruce Lee photos. (vs Dino is optional!):5dragon: (Dragon is closest smiley I could find to dinosaur)

This is one of two forums I’ve actually stayed for, no matter how long I stay away for I always come back, I used to lurk for about two years before signing on though.

Somehow this site makes me want to train and better myself in and out of school. :expressionless: Subliminal messaging? Or the thousands of people here willing to beat my arse? who knows. oO :la:

Sociocide would be great for any new or old animal discoveries.

Thank you, however to be honest I have no real intention of discussing the merits and implications of said dinosaur, having already gone through all the fundamental and required (un funny) jokes regarding the discovery at a slightly earlier date.

No, but Chuck Norris could :wink:

Let’s take a look at several traditional martial arts stances.

Wing Chun:

Note the hip positioning. Clearly Saurischian. The tales of kung fu masters with sharpened claws and feet that could rip through the very fabric of space and time itself are not apocryphal, but rather evidence that Chunners are actually a species of Deinonychid.


What is this four legged, Apatasaurid bullshit? No wonder every wing chun demonstration features an instructor demolishing a grappler who lumbers in bent over (clearly uncomfortable walking on two legs) with umpty hundred downward reverse punches. Kung Fu is the natural predator. Thus, we see the Esteemed Mr. Lee winning, assuming he sticks to his TCMA training.

Bruce Lee vs. Therizinosaurus

I’m going to have to go with the “scythe-clawed” herbivore, considering Bruce has, in the past, been cut pretty severly by claws. One only need to view “Enter The Dragon” to see Mr. Han has nothing on this guy.

Since when was there a complete skeleton of that animal?

You mean Bruce?
Dude, he’s not my favourite dead over-rated drug-based-demise-having martial artist, but even I wouldn’t call him an animal.