The rare art of British Kung Fu (London Lineage)
Welcome to 1994. Please walk through the door to your left. That will bring you to 2007 with the rest of us.
1] Lebell hasn’t posted for 6 days… that’s the equivalent of 4 years for normal people.
2] As my learned colleague cyrijlijlijl mentioned; it’s old
3] My next what?
Your next shit thread?
3] My next what?
that’s the only reason i opened this thread. YMAS DEMANDS ANSWERS
my next what?
My next what?
My next Borris, London?
My next what?
My next post?
Someone should spell it out for those who keep looking into this thread and wonder what is going on.
i’m pretty sure you’re the only one who hasn’t figured it out yet.
I meant my post in jest. I should use more emoticons. Please note how I myself did not actually spell it out.
Gee to think I only come here for the love, fuck you all and goodnight
You came here for love? You seriously need to break the cycle of abusive relationships.
Bill Goldberg is that you?
Ug, this thread hurts my brain…
There, that’s better.
What ?
Not ‘What’
My next what?
:thebirdma :bs:
did we find out what?
Hey, FFF, maybe it’s “your next… birthday, you’ll get cards, cake and a hooker”?