Brian Grey found Not Guilty of Sexual Abuse.

Just noticed this news article, thought id post it as it hasnt been posted yet:

Kung fu instructor not guilty

  • Gray innocent of sex charges

By: Carl Hamilton , 12/04/2003

Brian Wayne Gray didn’t sexually abuse two students in his now-defunct kung fu school in Elkton about 20 years ago, according to a jury verdict returned Wednesday.

The Cecil County Circuit Court jury deliberated about an hour at the conclusion of his three-day trial before acquitting Gray, 52, of Perryville, of all 18 criminal charges against him.

The jury found Gray not guilty of multiple counts of child abuse, unnatural and perverted sex practice, second-degree sex offense and third-degree sex offense.

Gray wept as the jury forewoman read the not guilty verdicts, standing beside his lawyer, Harry D. Barnes III, at the defense table.

In his closing argument Wednesday morning, Barnes maintained that the two alleged victims conspired against his client – one wanting to extort $30,000 from him and the other seeking payback as Gray’s jilted gay lover.

(The defense stipulated that Gray is a homosexual at the outset of the trial.)

“The motive is money. The motive is bad blood,” Barnes told jurors.

According to Barnes, the mere allegations of sexual abuse against his client forced Gray to close a kung fu school he had been operating elsewhere because parents pulled their children.

“It’s called the sex game, and it can ruin your life,” Barnes said, referring to making child abuse claims for ulterior motives.

He continued, “Everything my client has worked for 32 years is gone. Even if he’s acquitted, he’ll carry this stigma for the rest of his life.”

Assistant State’s Attorney Keith A. Baynes, meanwhile, questioned the plausibility of the alleged victims jeopardizing their careers and families – one is married with children – to accuse Gray of committing offenses 20 years ago.

"It took a lot of courage for them to come here … to tell you about these horrible and terrible things,‘’ Baynes said.

The alleged victims told their stories to numerous “strangers” in this legal process, including police investigators, prosecutors, judges and jurors, Baynes noted.

According to Baynes, Gray took advantage of the students’ respect for him as a kung fu competitor with a high national ranking, in addition to him being their marital arts instructor.

The alleged victims didn’t come forward as children because Gray told them that they, as well as he, would be arrested for the sexual contact, Baynes said.

Nor did they contact authorities as young adults because of shame, which they also felt as children, he added.

But one of the alleged victims “couldn’t take it anymore” by last March, according to Baynes.

That former student, now 32, blamed his chronic drug abuse, depression, suicidal tendencies and his own sexual deviation on the sexual abuse he allegedly suffered as a child and concealed for 20 years.

By the former student’s own admission, he served time in prison after being convicted in 1993 of molesting a boy.

The former student said he later dedicated his life to Christ, gained sobriety, and decided to “start the healing process for my closure” by dealing with his sexual abuse.

A Cecil County grand jury handed up the indictment against Gray last May after a Maryland State Police investigation prompted by the former student’s allegations.

The probe led to another former student who also claimed that Gray sexually molested him in the 1980s.

According to court records, Gray allegedly engaged in various sexual acts with them at his Shao Lin San Kung Fu School in the 100 block of West Main Street in Elkton and at his Perryville residence.

It allegedly occurred routinely for approximately three years for one student, and a year-and-a-half for the other, ending when both students left the school, court records show.

In his closing argument, Barnes stressed that the first alleged victim to speak with authorities had monetary reasons to accuse Gray.

That former student asked Gray to give him $5,000 in 1993 to pay for a lawyer after authorities charged him with child abuse, Barnes said. And when Gray declined, the former student vowed to get even, he added.

Barnes said the former student had been fixated on Gray for years, following his martial arts accomplishments.

Last January, that former student ordered Gray to pay him $30,000 to prevent him from making sexual abuse allegations against him, Barnes said.

The state, meanwhile, maintained that the two alleged victims hadn’t seen or interacted with Gray – nor each other – since attending the kung fu school in the 1980s.

Both former students denied the extortion allegations made by the defense.

Baynes also questioned why Gray didn’t report the blackmail threats to police if they did, indeed, occur.

The other alleged victim conspired against Gray because Gray had jilted him, according to Barnes.

Gray and that former student – an adult at that point – maintained a homosexual relationship that included going to gay nightclubs together, Barnes said.

The former student became irate when Gray ended their relationship and started seeing another man, Barnes added.

According to the former student’s testimony, he hadn’t seen Gray since leaving the kung fu school back in the 1980s and, therefore, didn’t have any such relationship with him.

Both former students denied being gay.

In his closing argument, Baynes referred to Barnes’ various allegations against the alleged victims as a “defense in the making,” suggesting he offered explanations after reviewing the state’s case.

The prosecutor told the jury, “It all boils down to who are you going to believe.”

Instead of “he said, she said”, its “he said, he said, he said”. Whatever.

Damn stylists…

BTW, post the link next time.

I remember making fun of him when he was first arrested, my bad. I think he won’t work in the martial arts again given the revelations about his personal preferences, oh well, even though he “won” he still lost.

I retract my previous “Iron Palms” comment with the stipulation that he did not infact abuse those kids.

Is he guilty of being a faggot or not?

Welcome back Blankslate, great to see you again, and yes as part of his defense, the article says Grey admittted to riding the ‘pony balony’, ‘going up the down staircase’, ‘hitting to the opposite field with power’, ‘traveling the Hersey Highway’ and practicing the love that dare not speak its name. But importantly Grey was found not to have done such acts with underage, and/or nonconsenting boys so I owe him a retraction on this point.

Good to be back Sam, thanks. Actually, I didn’t mean to be so gruff but child molesters are sub human…or whatever.

Seems I even posted some stuff about this guy long ago…will have to SEARCH (yuck)…

So he’ll be back opening a new Kung Fu school soon. Great!

Originally posted by blankslate
Good to be back Sam, thanks. Actually, I didn’t mean to be so gruff but child molesters are sub human…or whatever.

Seems I even posted some stuff about this guy long ago…will have to SEARCH (yuck)…

So he’ll be back opening a new Kung Fu school soon. Great!

Oj was found innocent by a jury of his peers as well and we all know jury verdicts are never wrong…

But you can’t hold stylists responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn’t we blame the whole jury system? And if the whole jury system is flawed, then isn’t this an indictment of our judicial institutions in general? I put it to you, KF - isn’t this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can say whatever you want to us, but we’re not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America.

I bet those gloves fit just fine on you.

KFSS had posted some things before:

I will assume that the jury system in delaware is more functional then the jury pool in California, especially since it was only a three day trial which would not exclude most people who held a regular job from serving. The bottom line is unless I know enough to point out why the jury was wrong (which I could do with OJ) I will accept their judgment.

LMAO! Please tell me I’m not the only one who recognized this rant.

Originally posted by mike reese
But you can’t hold stylists responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn’t we blame the whole jury system? And if the whole jury system is flawed, then isn’t this an indictment of our judicial institutions in general? I put it to you, KF - isn’t this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can say whatever you want to us, but we’re not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America.

Animal house

bottom line: brian gray is gay.

If he can’t open a school again, he can always fall back on selling his Iron Palm liniment.

Originally posted by X_plosion
If he can’t open a school again, he can always fall back on selling his Iron Palm liniment.

Don’t you mean penis cream?

don’t forget to practice the woody woodpecker if you want the iron schlong.