Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu used to severely injure girlfriend...

Vince is correct. She must’ve been a noob.

omg lies by the liberialist press everyone knows bjj only works on a mat

I merely report the news. The fact you may find the stain on a religion you hold so dear is not really my problem. If it still bothers you, my suggestion is to go down there and hold a demonstration in front of the courthouse rallying against the defamation of the “gayest sport there is.”

I’m still waiting for an article about SCARS coming to the rescue, like, well, ever…

Why would we be holding a demonstration in support of men’s figure skating?

Grappling is like the force, it can be used for good or evil, and evil is more fun.

Sorry about your friend.

Sorry about you… being retarded.

Stop making me agree with you Cracky, it makes me feel dirty.

That article was indeed crappy. Did he punch her, kick her, stab her, or chop at her with an axe? In what way does he claim it was a “mistake”? Did he mean to kick the crap out of someone else and kick the crap out of her instead? Did he go for an inverted heel hook only to find he was actually doing a kneebar? Did she not tap out and thus brought about a bad ending to his, “How Do Armbar?” demonstration? Did she roll the wrong way on a heel hook?

Then again, you did quote Fixed News, not known for its high journalism standards…

Good…bad…I’m the guy with the grapple.

The problem with BJJ is that it is a powder keg with a lit fuse. When it goes off, you don’t want to be in the same room. The law should require all BJJ students to wear that police yellow warning tape, at all times.

Can’t anybody red between the lines and see the skull ride kimura that occured here?

If only he had done Aikido instead, his poor girlfriend would’ve been fine.

Well while she didn’t deserve a beating I’m sure you do. Just for being a fucking moron.

Methinks I detect a certain latent homosexuality within this poster…you know, training BJJ can help with that.:new_rainf

Bail is about the security of the accused. If he’s not guilty yet, the only bearing the severity of the crime should have is that bearing the severity of the possible sentence has on the likelyhood of flight - and that’s very easily accomplished by stating the punishment and evaluating the guy’s likelyhood of departure. Putting pictures of a mutilated victim in front of people, then associating them with the defendant and saying, essentially, “are you going to let the guy who did this walk around before his trial?” Is exploitative cheese.

If you just report the news, impartially, what happened to the word “accused” in the thread title?

It’s terrible your friend got beat up. You’re still a chickenshit for not getting that we don’t know any of the people personally and we’ll thus likely wait until the outcome of the trial to make up our minds. You’re double chickenshit for talking tough about raping people. If I was a cop on this case, I’d be very interested in people around Ms. Biggs with temper control issues and people around her who viewed rape as a fair punishment for such and such an offense.

No, if the person has been arrested and appears at a bail hearing the court will also quickly (and in Connecticut prefunctorily) review whether or not there is probable cause for the arrest. If probable cause is found, then the court can also take public safety into consideration.

I think that Ms. Biggs may be a wonderful person but she makes the mistake of associating with people with anger management issues.

Well, yeah, if they arrested the guy with a headfull of coke and a gun and they think they can’t let him back out in public, sure, but to just say “the crime you’re accused of was really bad, so you get no/high bail” - that’s a way of starting the trial early, IMO (Not saying its illegal I just think it’s kind of weak)