Boyd, when I was your age, I was out getting laid, not wrasslin' men.

Boyd, when was the last time you got laid? Question 2- how many girls have you slept with in your life? I’m old now, but boy, when I was your age, I was out getting laid, not wrasslin’ men. You need a new hobby- BTW, I’d be a fool to measure my boasts by what Purple Belt I subbed at this point in time- I just know that if I slapped you with my wallet, you’d be in the intensive care unit.

Dude, of all the things that you could have said as a come-back, was the ghey wrasslin’ joke/remark the only thing you could think of?

I also fail to see why Boyd shouldn’t boast about the training/workout session he had with the purple belt guy. After all, it was you who said this:

>> Time to go workout. I suggest you do the same.

I really don’t care one way or another what arguments you and Boyd have. But that last post of yours have a “WTF?” after-taste.

Well, El Macho, it wasn’t the whole ghey thing, it was the whole, wasting his youth thing. But nothing is going to stop that. BTW, you expressed interest in Test shots, for the rip old age of what, 39? I mean, you, of all people should understand about wasting your youth. I know you were out getting some when you were his age, right? And at 48, my big moments are usually landing large profitable accounts, which would be pretty hoo hum in a martial arts forum. It does, however, pay the mortgage, vacations, 529 accounts and god knows what else you ahve to pour money into in this economy, which seems to be imploding as we speak. The one good thing about Boyd is, he has nothing to lose, except his youthful vigor, at this point. You really didn’t like the one about slapping him with my wallet? That gets a lot of laughs in person.

So, does this mean that you got turned off women when you reached your current age and and decided to embrace the man-rasslin’ lifestyle? new2buttjackinjohns?

I don’t wrassle men, period. The name New2BJJ is a misnomer, as I don’t do BJJ any more. :qgreenjum

I suggest a cage match for you and Boyd- you could teach him a thing or two, I’m sure, Rectumsmellignton. Hey, that’s funny, Rectumsmellignton!

Entertaining as this thread is becoming, can we take the off-topic self-congratulatory bickering to another thread? Thanks.

I had car sex last night and think you are one of the worst things to happen to BJJ since OldDog, so I don’t see what point you’re trying to make here.

I don’t see how I can “happen” to BJJ. And congrats on the car sex. Next time, bring someone with you.

Since when being engaged completely in athletics became a waste of time?

See my previous question.

And what does that have to do with anything? I’m interested in test shots, or better yet, get under a program monitored by my PCP for very specific reasons.

If you are trying to say something, say it loud and clear, NOW.

Why? Because I’m 38? Or because I wasted my youth?

I got tail, but I wasn’t out getting it. To be honest I spend more than a year without it when I was in grad school, and I spent another year (my second year of lifting) without it as well because I decided I only wanted to workout, eat, shit and sleep on my free time 7 days a week. And who cared? I certainly didn’t.

No matter what you do, there is always going to be someone telling you you are wasting your time (which usually tends to be some sort of psychological projection, it always is.)

Getting it is just part of life, and it’s not something (or the quantity of it) that one really uses as a gauge of success, let alone as indicator of good utilization of one’s youth. From the most successfull enterprenour to the lamest meth selling sucker, they all get tail.

And what’s the big deal about it? You are 48, you are supposed to be doing what you are doing. Also, if you really believe you are the only person in this forum who’s at the same level of economic achievement, you are deluded.

Furthermore, of course it’d be pretty hoo hum in because:

  1. Surprise, you are not the only one (regardless of what you think), and
  2. This is forum is about martial arts and not about whether we have a diversified portfolio in the commodities market, if we can afford a 4-week vacation on a mansion in the Bahamas, or we walk around with a 2" thick gold dog chain around our neck.

Item #2 is something I’d expect from a youngster, or maybe someone who never had anything and all of the sudden won the lottery (and the prospect of having all that moolah gets to his head), not a grown man about to turn 50 and who somehow thinks of himself as the role model of adult male success.

Good for you. Welcome to the club.

A topic worthy of sociocide.

You presuposing a young man cannot engage in athletics without sacrificing everything else, including an education and/or a job is just ludicrous. I have no clue what Boyd’s do, but both activities are not mutually exclusive and the existence of one does not preclude the existence of the other.

The best students I’ve met in grad school were actually engaged in athletics 100% since their early years. I’ve come to grow up to a certain age that precludes me from assume another’s man failure because of what he does or does not do in his free, leisure time.

Depends on the personal quality, taste and class of the crowd.

Imagine someone pulling his wallet and then flips the lots of singles in it in front of another person, throws a rassberry at him while saying “neer neer neer neer neeeer neer, I HAS TEEEEEH CAAAASH, AND YOU DO NOOOOO-OT, neer neer neer neer neeeer neer” as a way to win an argument that was never about money anyways.

Pretty classless and infantile no matter how you cut it and regardless of the thickness of the aforementioned wallet. I’m sure there is someone who will laugh at it, just as there is always someone who think Britney Spears is dah bomb or Red Lobster his idea of a fine restaurant with an exquisite, discriminating menu.

fuck this shit.

I’m pretty sure you’ve been bull-baited into making a total ass of yourself without realizing it.

snif snif



Hey, why does your rectum smell like your wife’s dildo? You know, the scent of rancid bacon fat, pressed plastics, and tedium?

El Macho, Rivington, you should let Boyd defend himself. He’s a big boy, and well, a much better writer than you are, Rivington.

yeah this is super hurtful hey could you post another wall of text about completely nothing

The only fucking people that would laugh at that are kiss-asses waiting for you to leave the room so they can talk shit. You’re lecturing everyone about wasting their lives when you’re…what? Just like ever other six-figure asshole, ever.

This is a terrible joke. It’s not a good play on words, at all. This is like something Rudy Abel would do. I might as well call you nButtfuckerjj. Actually, that’s better. I can’t make myself suck as much as you if I try.


I’m just glad we could all settle our differences in a mature manner like adults, rather than resorting to calling grappling gay and making fun of each other’s screen names.

Culled from:

Oh, fuck no.

lol, I flipped a coin to pick between LLL and Trollshido. Thanks for moving it.