Boxer1 wants to know if his imaginary bench pressing d1ck is bigger than yours.

How big are you and how much do you bench
1 Rep Max
10 Rep Max

Average size - 170



My best 5RM is 150. Yes I’m weak.

“My e-penis is bigger than yours” threads like this belong in Trollshido.

That’s just my opinion however.

I’m nine feet tall and can bench press a full grown elephant by the way.


Comes t3h troll

Please explain the purpose of this thread within 48 hours of this post before I remove it from the PT forums.

And why the bench press? How about squat or deadlift? Why 1 rep max? Why 10 rep max? What do you wish to accomplish with this thread? And how does it further shared knowledge in the PT forums?

This one time, I picked up a keg of beer, and ripped the top off with my fingers, and drank all the beer, and then I threw the empty keg and when it landed it was nearly a kilometer away.

Yeah, and it fucked up my azaleas. Careless drunks.

You know what, fuck this shit. No 48 hour period. Off the PT threads, and with a new thread title to boot.

Ok boys, time to maul this shit.