Book of Skippy: Revalations

Book of Skippy 1: Revalation 1

Yea, verily, hath I wandered upon the den of Douchegar the troll.
All hope was lost and nowhere was there to turn.
As I gazed without hope at the massive columns of text lacking any semblance of grammar, proper spelling, or logical sentence structure,
there came upon me a powerful fap of wings,
and thereupon came light.

And verily, in a loud booming voice, came forth the voice of the Skippy.
Be weary the troll, his devious postings and rantings, for he knows not what he does.
Look not upon the Skippy, but know that the Skippy is with thee.
Fear not thine adversaries, for the might of the Skippy shall carry thee with no fear of harm.
Trust in the Skippy, for thine immortal soul is ever in peril.
Only thine trust in the Skippy shall set the free from the perils of Douchegar.

He guardeth thee from liars, mockers, and falseth assumers.
His varrots and hamster pellets shall comfort thee.
Lo and behold, the sway of Douchegar was lifted, for to accept the Skippy is to save thineself from damnation and permabans.

I expect all your posts to be this entertaining from now on.

Forgive me, for I have taken Uncle Skippy’s name in vain. Sorry, Father Humanzee.

Thou art almost ready for Revalations II: Catechisms of Banhammer. Repent and repost.

Book of Skippy 1: Revalation 2

And I heard the sounds of thunder.
As I gazed upon my laptop, and I heard a moderated voice,
And I gazed upon the screen, and behold, a pale white troll.

The first troll came upon me, and posteth of Ninjutsu, and non compliant drills.
COME AND SEE said the Skippy, and I saw.
He posteth without markings
He posteth without periods
He posteth without paragraphs
And upon his text, not a single coherent word.
And upon him, a head of the pussy, with a thinly veiled beard of doritos crumbs, and muffin top of glorious complacency.
Upon his head was the crown of Ashida, and his voice, was the voice of Woody Allen.
Be not afraid, said the Skippy.
He hath not the powers over thee, for thou art with ME.
And I was not afraid.

I walked on, the glory of the Skippy upon mine tread, and was not afeared whence upon me came a second troll.
COME AND SEE said the Skippy, and I saw.
And his face was the face of the Downey.
And he called me a liar, mocker, and false assumer.
But said the Skippy, fear not the troll, for his DVD sifu can not harm thee,
and his Dim Mak be not upon thee, for thine faith is in the Skippy, and the Skippy is with thee.
And I walked on, as I was not afraid, as the downey nipped at mine ankles, and offered mountains of evidence of his magical mountain sifu of whom he spake not.
Upon the Downey was the crown of butthole, and upon his mantis fist was a giant steel dildo.
His voice was the voice of the Smeagol, for his precious was verily lost.
And henceforth, I walked on, as I was not afraid.

Upon the third troll I came, and his head was the head of Comrade Ryabin.
COME AND SEE said the Skippy, and I saw.
The devious one hath a bottle of spirit most foul
And his cheeks were most red, his breath dissolveth most known metals.
And upon his other hand, an offered cup of cool aid.
Partake not of this offered cup, sayeth the Skippy,
For the cup is not of truth and not of the Skippy.
Raged the troll upon hearing HIS most holy word,
And floppy psychic power attempted he, to fling at I,
and yet, I was not afeared, for the Skippy was with me,
and the drunken one’s flopping was uncoordinated.
His military camo came apart at the seams,
And fell the troll where he stood, too drunk and winded from his flailing.

Upon the fourth and final troll I came, and here I stopped in wonder, for the face of the troll was that of my own.
COME AND SEE said the Skippy, and I saw.
And lo, saw I my own reflection, and I wept.
if you do not walk with the Skippy, said HE.
If ye hath no faith in the Skippy, and hath ye not grammar most proper,
spell check most sacred, sentence structure and paragraph most clear, and solid grasp of the English language, upon this dark pit thou will stumble.
And thou will walk in darkness for all the days of thine life.

And upon my knees I fell, and wept.
Forsake me not, cried I.
And the trolls crieth most loudly with me, for their dark fate was sealed with banhammers most foul and permanent.
And upon this fiery inferno I gazed, and the Skippy came unto me.
Follow me, and thou shall for all time be pure and untainted by corruption of the troll most foul.
The foul troll Douchegar hath sway over thee no more,
and HE WHO ROOTS OUT THE FAKES shall not thine original postings find,
and use them against thee.

So spake HE, most beneficent one, and he blessed me with varrot most holy.


This is it.

This is the whole reason I joined Bullshido. The reason I post on the internets.


This is it.

This is the whole reason I joined Bullshido. The reason I post on the internets.[/QUOTE]

The Book of Skippy speaks to many, my son.
Hath thou accepted the Skippy as thine personal savior, editor, and given unto him the Power of Most Holy Attourney?

You have most certainly raised the bar of Epic Awesomeness.

Book of Skippy 1: Revalations 3

And before me, lay the Book of Judgements.
My gaze fell upon the bindings, and lo, upon them a Name.
The writ was thus:

He is thine judge,
Upon thee he gazes with balance and equality.
His fist is the fist of justice.
His wrath is the wrath of balance.
He is thine executioner.
He is thine overlord upon whom it falls to moderate and regulate.
Upon him is the burden of ages.
Weep upon him, for his burden is thus.
He is one to whom IT falls to root out all that IS FAKE and improper upon the Shido of the BULL.

To him, pointed the Skippy,
And I saw.
The face of many men, recently deceased, for he is faceless.
Mayhap he be an automaton most divine,
Powered by steam, and two squirrels running within a wheel.

Contemplate not the mystery of he to whom IT falls to root out all that IS FAKE.
He is beyound thine understanding, sayeth the Skippy.
Tis folly to contemplate one who knoweth all, yet revealeth none,
For in time all shall be revealed to one who is ONE with the Skippy.

And upon him pointed the Skippy,
And HE sayeth unto me thus:
Behold, thine judge.
He knoweth thine first words,
And he knoweth thine last.
He knoweth what thou thinketh before thee posteth.
Attempt not to falter him,
With excrement of the bovine,
Nor engage him not in epic battles of semantics,
For he will make love unto thee most prison-like,
and use the brunt of thine own force upon thee.
His, is the aikido of thine post, and he will flip thine words against thee when thoust thinketh thineself clever and verbose.

Follow thee the PATH OF SKIPPY,
and upon thee shall be no blame nor fault.
For he to whom IT falls to root out all that IS FAKE and most improper,
will then find no fault in thee.
So spake the most holy Skippy, and upon his lips were the words of truth.
And lo, thus I understood.

Book of Skippy 1: Revalations 3

And before me, lay the Book of Judgements.
My gaze fell upon the bindings, and lo, upon them a Name.
The writ was thus:

He is thine judge,
Upon thee he gazes with balance and equality.
His fist is the fist of justice.
His wrath is the wrath of balance.
He is thine executioner.
He is thine overlord upon whom it falls to moderate and regulate.
Upon him is the burden of ages.
Weep upon him, for his burden is thus.
He is one to whom IT falls to root out all that IS FAKE and improper upon the Shido of the BULL.

To him, pointed the Skippy,
And I saw.
The face of many men, recently deceased, for he is faceless.
Mayhap he be an automaton most divine,
Powered by steam, and two squirrels running within a wheel.

Contemplate not the mystery of he to whom IT falls to root out all that IS FAKE.
He is beyound thine understanding, sayeth the Skippy.
Tis folly to contemplate one who knoweth all, yet revealeth none,
For in time all shall be revealed to one who is ONE with the Skippy.

And upon him pointed the Skippy,
And HE sayeth unto me thus:
Behold, thine judge.
He knoweth thine first words,
And he knoweth thine last.
He knoweth what thou thinketh before thee posteth.
Attempt not to falter him,
With excrement of the bovine,
Nor engage him not in epic battles of semantics,
For he will make love unto thee most prison-like,
and use the brunt of thine own force upon thee.
His, is the aikido of thine post, and he will flip thine words against thee when thoust be unaware.

Follow thee the PATH OF SKIPPY,
and upon thee shall be no blame nor fault.
For he to whom IT falls to root out all that IS FAKE and most improper,
will then find no fault in thee.
So spake the most holy Skippy, and upon his lips were the words of truth.
And I understood.