Body Mind Systems = Oom Yung Doe? No, I'll just edit the OP.

I have made my choice and thanks for all the info. It helped a lot.

Might be what they call a rogue school, a school that started as OYD but broke away on their own. Try asking over at yahoo groups (you will just need to become a member of the group):

Some of them do post here, but you will get a quicker answer over their.

yeah it sounds like maybe they quit the org but kept training?

How does the training seem to you?

The training seems alright, but I haven’t had a “legitamate” dojo to compare it to. It sounds like what you are saying may be right, but on the test sheets and in the dojo, they try to pass off Chung Moo Doe katas/forms as traditional Kung Fu forms. It seems like what many people say is true, “8 Arts in One” is complete BS. The only thing that is good about the school is they teach self defense techniques as a part of the curriculum (wrist grab, lapel grab, shoulder grab, etc. defences).

Just viewing the site, I am having a hard time connecting what they say about weapons training:

Weapons training is simply a higher form of mental/physical training and provides a vital range of depth to your martialarts training. One can develop 3 to 5 times more with weapons training.

With this picture of one of their instructors:

Anyone think they arrived at this technique through a process of elimination of unworkable stuff through alive training?

Also, how on earth can they work out mathematically how much more you can ‘develop’ through weapons training?

I’m willing to bet those defenses are what we refer to as “crappling”, or prearranged, unrealistic responses to unrealistic provocations. Who is going to come up to you and grab your wrist, or grab your shoulder from the side?

The fact that the school partakes in such “techniques” should be another warning sign for bullshido. The fact that it’s got no sparring and claims to be 8 arts in one would confirm it for me.

Oom Yung Doe or not, you need to find a better school.

This looks like a good way to eat a face full of sword.

I’m no swordsman, but I’m going to guess that sword>stick.

you’d be surprised at how well wood holds up against metal

I can tell a crappy school just by the name. I can confirm just by one photo.