Blind aikidoka works healing massage


Sacramento Bee/Bryan Patrick
It’s all done by sense of touch
Blind massage therapist wants to elevate his craft as a method of healing

By Blair Anthony Robertson – Bee Staff Writer
Published 2:15 am PST Thursday, February 17, 2005

Christopher Bartlett is standing next to his massage table chatting when a visitor asks the obvious question.

Do you always work in the dark?

“Oh,” he replies with a smile, “I often don’t remember to turn on the lights.”

He mastered the violin, immersed himself in computer programming and got involved in martial arts, including sword-wielding aikido, where he is ranked one level below black belt.

n 1993, he enrolled in massage school and knew almost immediately that it was for him.

He learned the techniques the same way he caught on with martial arts, by having the instructor demonstrate on him, allowing him to feel what he couldn’t see.

“Over the course of the first class, I fell in love with the idea,” he says.

Ok, wheelchair fighting I can see, but blind aikido practice!??!

Massage and aikido yeah… but computer programming… how do you get the inputs/outputs?

Mega-jusus, is that Zaitochi?

It’s Zatoichi, but yes.

My bad, saw the movie once only. He wasn’t meant to be blind though was he? In that movie I thought it was a conscious decision not to use his sight?

I’m pretty sure he was blind. He’s always referred to as the “blind swordsman”.