Black lotus Kung Fu

I just started taking Black Lotus for about a month now, and I like it.
My questions are:

1:Does anyone else here take it? If so, any reccommendations on training outside of class?

2:Why does the style of Wing Chun seem to take so much crap? Shouldn’t it be the instructors and students?(my instructor knows wing chun as well, and he’s a good guy)

The webiste is if anyone is interested.

With a wet thud, the hunk of rotting meat lands on the floor.

A thousand wolf faces turn, eyes narrowing, lips peeling back, teeth flashing…

you don’t know who i am… they don’t know who i am. I’M THE JUGGAHNAUT!!!

Not cool anymore Aegis. Sorry. Vinnie Jones, by law, was the last person allowed to say that and still be funny. It’s a rule.

no matter. It was a nice qoute, but i prefer the original, cartoon version. now, pertaining to my question…

I call Bullshido.

Everybody knows bears don’t fight like that.

Ok heres why no one here is gonna like you. You practice Wing Chun. But wait theres more. Your instructor also does TKD. WOWZERS! Please search Wing Chun and figure out why your style is hated.

On a side note if you could provide sparring videos of yourself and some others from your school you could remove all doubt as to the crappiness of your school. I wont hold my breath though.

Why are all the photos on the site from the middle ages?

Unless there are beer wenches, it’s not really the middle ages.

And if there’s a style that features beer wenches, I want in.

the guy stopped teaching, and we are his first group since then…

Video??? How do you guys train?

12th level Black Sash in Black Lotus Kung-Fu and 5th level Black Sash in Wing-Chun Kung-Fu.

Wow enough said. I hope you enjoy yourself. Don’t ever get caught talking shit about other arts.

we’re mainly getting used to it with stretches while doing things like pushups, jumpingjacks, basics. So far, we haven’t sparred yet, i mean, it is the first month of training.

Point being? In my BJJ class we sparred the fist day. What kind of stuff are you learning anyways? What goes on in your normal class? Maybe if you could tell us how you would respond to an attack, or better yet how you train(forms/sparring/techniques/drills/bag work) we could get a better understanding of what your doing.

Also like I said video is always great. Get some of your freinds together and film it somewhere else if your Sifu doesnt want you to film it.

“pertaining to your question”

You tell us.

Read the faqs on the site, and then you tell us what we think.

It’s a much better excercise then us yelling at you, you yelling back, you getting your ass kicked and your black sash shoved through your digestive system, quitting your school, and slinking back here to ask us the number for a real gym, which is the path I sort of see you on right now.

For a thread of this caliber, I don’t believe we’ve been throwing enough " _ " s around.

What will it prove, since this guy only trained for a month if he gets together with his buddies and makes a video?

If he does bad…he trained only for a month.

Well it just shows us his training thats all. We will all know he only did it for a month. Or video of his instructor would be good too. Its not out to make fun of him or anything. Just to see how he trains is all.

You just feel bad because you do krotty. hehehe

runs away crying

Hi, Aegis. What are you trying to get out of martial arts?