Apparently theres some…something gracie academy thing near me. Now…i’ve been out of training for a while and it’s bothering me so I want to do something. Problem is this…they charge so fucking much. I went to a bjj class once and the instructor spoke terrible english, and was like shouting at me to do shit and I didn’t have a clue what the little dude was trying to get across…it was pretty lame. How can you justify charging 7-10 quid an hour and then not be able to speak to your students? It’s dumb, they should only be allowed to charge that much if they let me borrow their daughter or something as well.
Is it possible to be decent at mma and not be some jujitsu nerd? Is there a problem refining your ground game with something like sombo or just no gi submission wrestling? They are all basically the same thing.
I went to a bjj class once and the instructor spoke terrible english, and was like shouting at me to do shit and I didn’t have a clue what the little dude was trying to get across
Interesting. Here in my little section of the U.S. (North Carolina), the BJJ schools are way cheaper than TMA schools. And they’re just about the only places you can train under anyone with MMA experience. Funny how that works, huh?
I don’t want to do any gi wrestling though, is that an option? I’m noticing a no-gi class but is that not for beginners or something? I don’t want to buy a pricey bjj gi, and they probably wont let me use my judo one because it’s too solid
Another thing, will I get discriminated against because i am very big and tall? 6ft5…like 270 pounds or something. People get pissed off at me because of my size advantage, but I was younger when that was happening. I’m not going to have it any more and will bottle people that bitch about my superior size and size advantage. If they were any good they’d beat me anyway because my skills aren’t that great.
You can use a judo gi in BJJ, be it single weave or double weave.
Instead of wondering and jumping into (most likely wrong) conclusions, why don’t you ask them?
Dude, what the fuck??? Don’t be so fatalistic.
You are fucking huge and you still whine too much. What do you care if “they” discriminate you (assuming “they” actually do)? You are a fucking adult now but you are still concerned about something you experienced in your teen years. Grow up.
You say if they were any good they would beat you up despite your size advantage (who is “they” anyways?) If so, what do you care? Go and do what you need to do, be it learn, train, beat the shit out of people, or whatever.
If everybody were to make it an issue for every stupidy said to them in life, the whole of humanity would have had committed mass suicide a long time ago.
-rep for whining so much even though you are a humungus mofo. :eusa_doh:
– EDIT –
And if you are not a troll, then this will be even sadder.
thanks for that informative post, i’ll come down when my first pay from this new job arrives.
Ah nobody has really ever cussed my size. It’s just funny…you just know if you slate bjj a million people will be dead pissed off and i just can’t help it. It’s empowering.
You, macho person, need to calm down. I’m actually well happy being big and go on about it too much like an arsehole.
For some reason I was under the impression they didn’t let you use a judo gi, i may have been wrong. Either way, i’m more interested in no gi.
I’m willing to bet money they “discriminate” you because you’re a big wheezing lunkhead that just lies on people and wrenches whateverv limb floats in front of you.
I’m willing to bet the first time you ever rolled with anyone, the first two things they said to you were variations of: “Wow, you’re strong.” and “Man, you’re big.”
Well, I was expecting some sort of violent, e-roid rage as a response. I came all pumped and ready for a violent exchange of posts, like a pair of raving lunatics, but I got this. I honestly don’t know what to do now. So maybe you are not a troll after all. :ingun:
Seriously, I’m just busting your balls. Some of the stuff you wrote sounds utterly retarded. So don’t take it personal. Grow some thick skin and stick around. There is a lot of good stuff to learn from here; just get used to people giving you shit if you say or write something that doesn’t make sense, or if you come off like an asshole with an axe to grind.
I know it’s terrible isn’t it? A big newb that can nullify all of your hard earned skill simply because of his genetics. Maybe you shouldn’t be so small? I thought they had weight categories to sort these kinds of problems out in competitive fighting, so what is your problem? Just don’t roll with me.
I read here that if a bjj guy says wow you’re strong it’s the worst thing they can say.
I’m willing to bet the first time you ever rolled you weren’t very good… so what was the point of that comment? I didn’t win because it was at a crappy judo club and i got pitted against some black belt who was far more experienced, skilled and bigger than me and he kicked my arse.
You really all just need to chill out. Somebodies newb status on an internet messageboard doesn’t really have any relation to the real world. In real life I wouldn’t let you talk down to me like this, and i wouldn’t be rude to you either. So y’know, just calm down a little and we might even get along.
How about neither of them? You’re a moron who likes to jump in and rip on someone when everyone else is. Maybe it’s not me being the ass, this place is full of self important dickheads like you.
No, actually, your first few post were rather idiotic. Nobody cares that you are big. If you are using your size to beat up on people smaller and less experienced than you, then that is just being a dick. Not everyone is ‘ripping’ into you. I think you really need to get over yourself.
You constantly talk about how big you are and how little everyone else is. If you can’t realize that sounds idiotic, you are beyond help. I don’t really know anyone here who has been posting for a whle who thinks they are self-important (well except for ICY and MJS).
As far as calling me a pussy…oh, that one really hurts.
Look about five people have been chasing me all over the place and bitching at me since i got here. Maybe it wouldn’t be a problem if you weren’t so sensitive about some shit a “newb” said. Someone told me to be more thick skinned, you guys are great at giving advice you yourselves don’t follow. This has pissed you all off so much it’s hilarious. Little man syndrome attack of the century.
And i don’t remember saying i go around battering smaller people than me. I’m a nice person.
If i was trolling this would be exactly the reaction i’d want.
If nobody cares i’m big why do you dickheads keep talking to me about it? It’s funny one person comes and says “Nobody cares” and then another starts accusing me of pinning people, squashing them and powering on technically lacking submissions. I’m bored of it now…
Weather or not you think i’m self important doesn’t matter. If you didn’t yourself, then you wouldn’t be telling me what i should and shouldn’t say. I can’t help reacting badly to a bunch of ell ends like you. I would probably have just left this place had you not all been so determined to put me down. I’ve decided to hang around for a while though! I guess to try and get along with all you guys i admire so much.