how many agree with me that BJJ is awsome? its like…super effective huh? maybe sometime I ought to try Judo, Wrestling, and SAMBO, any chin-nah ere?
on the rate of 1-10 how good is bjj?
So, did you just get released for summer vacation? Why don’t you go join a little league team, it sounds like fun.
summer is 2 wiiks away, noob
sum 1 who ahgrees!,
yes…bjj is 1/10
Oh, so you are getting a head start on your summer trolling?
[quote=king of BJJ;2139263]u bjj addicts dont know what grappling is ull about, it should be chin-nah, resisting opponent, fighting off multiple opponent, it is wai more effictive then Bjj-brazillien juu jitsu, like srsly, why is bjj so imporant? cuz u can arm bar me? LOL try that in my sleep =/, i huz anti grappling
my english is bad:laughing8 how much yall even train? like srsly
on the rate of 1-10 how good is bjj?[/quote]
sumsay likey things bat nut fung soy neen dat.
im nut trolling, I dont evan know what trolling is, you ogre
:englishmo[quote=Tom .C;2139284]sumsay likey things bat nut fung soy neen dat.[/quote]
Oh, by the way, real clever how you added the “Scale of 1-10” part to your post at 1:16 PM, 3 minutes after HAPKO3 rated your troll job at a 1/10.
boring. ban, plz.
dats y uyo have avatar of kool-aid man, except that its ful of hater-aid
yuor boring, ban!!!:5censored
Soory, I thought this thread was all about making up stupid shit
I dont knuw wht u talking about,
ban hamer plz:iamwithst
suys the prsn that doos akido :new_silly
[quote=king of BJJ;2139301]I dont knuw wht u talking about,
ban hamer plz:iamwithst[/quote]
You re-edited it at 1:25. I’m going to let you in on a little secret, whenever you edit a post, it gets recorded and the text “Last edited at:” is added to the bottom of the post. If you are going to troll, at least be good at it.
My first thought was that I wanted to know the BJJ rank of someone named King of BJJ, who I imagined was a white or blue belt.
[quote=king of BJJ;2139293]dats y uyo have avatar of kool-aid man, except that its ful of hater-aid
I think this would make a pretty neat avatar, a hateful kool aid man. Considering making this a signature.