In real combat, you get a M4. One of the first homo sapiens found died of a war wound from an arrow.
It seems in the last year alone some of the top people in BJJ or sport fighting have been cut up in real world bar fights and attacks.
Some are now imposing BJJ training for combat troops which is fine as long as the limets of it are taught but I find few in the BJJ world who actually know the limets.
So how long did you spend in the sandbox pressure testing combat systems?
Prisons have always been a proving ground for fighting, A Martial litmus test of sorts, How many prison fights are won as a result of BJJ training?
Most prisoners don’t do any martial arts. The most common one that I saw was at Angola Prison was boxing, Governor Edwin Edwards pardoned two of the prisoners who were good boxers. (Hurr hurr).
You fail at logic. You seem to be confusing combat with martial arts. BJJ is not combat. It is a martial arts and a sport. In fact, you’d be hard pressed to find a real martial arts whose delivery system is not sport based.
To say BJJ is not combat (or any martial art for that matter) makes as much sense as saying an apple is not a microchip, or a dildo is not a nocturnal mammal.
I’d suggest you go up the dictionary and look for the definition of combat before you even try to engage in any meaningful discussion. And most importantly, go train for real. Then come back.
battle: battle or contend against in or as if in a battle
fight: the act of fighting; any contest or struggle
Whether I use BJJ, boxing, dick pulling or nipple twisting in the course of combat will depend on the circumstances and does not make them combat.
The legitimacy of any of these will depend on how effective they are at the hands of a competent, intelligent practitioner/user within a particular set of circumstances during the course of a confrontation.
A rifle is not combat. Knowing how to fire a rifle is not combat. Knowing how to keep your rifle clean and in good condition, and knowing how to operate it is not combat. A soldier will use his weapons (rifle, handgun, grenades, h2h techniques, shit slinging, whatever) in the course of combat.
BJJ is a tool that can be used in certain types of combats under certain circumstances, just like any combat tool.
Combat tools have a particular preferencial purpose. Take for instance the differences between an assault rifle and a snipper’s rifle. Same analogy with BJJ, Muay Thai, Boxing, Wrestling or any other form of effective martial arts.
A sidegun is a legitimate weapon without it being combat. If I were to try to use a 9mm as if it were a snipper weapon, the 9mm will still be legitimate. It would be me would be stupid, illegitimate and inefective.
A weapon is not combat. A technique or technology is not combat. Following this, a martial arts is not combat, which leads to BJJ not being combat.
The only logical conclusion then is that YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.
It may not be a place that you want to end up, but if you’re a smaller opponent, it’s certainly possible to end up there. Your dismissal of the guard as “easily defeated” shows your ignorance of the self-defense aspects of jiu-jitsu.
The Mount? Every kid in my elementary school knew this was a superior punching position and playground fights ended this way often.
Sure, but does every kid in your elementary school understand how to effectively hold someone in mount who’s bigger, or stronger? Your implied dismissal of the mount as a skill is insulting and condescending and shows your extreme lack of understanding of both ground fighting and fighting in general. The implication that years of training could be replaced by school yard bully knowledge is insulting in the extreme.
Choke Holds? Sorry but choking has been around about as long as rocks.
Choking is a skill that you’re taught, not one that you’re born with. It’s a complex art that takes time to perfect. Not only does it take time to learn how to choke, it takes time to learn how to defend against them. If you’re ignorant of either, you’re unlikely to do well against someone who’s not.
Weapons? There is no weapons strategy.
What’s you’re weapon strategy? Get shot/stabbed? How often do you practice your defenses against an alive resisting opponent?
Vale Tudo or Stand Up Fighting? Some basic fist fighting but again the plain nasty is never worked in nor planned for.
This is sort of tangential to your point and a stupid statement to begin with. Especially considering that “Vale Tudo” means “no rules”. Vale Tudo is well beyond basic fist fighting and has proven itself in street and ring fights.
(…) It was not and is not a killing science and that is what combat requires.
What do you mean “combat”? What do you mean “killing science”?
Anecdotally, I’ve used BJJ in more than one real life encounter. It’s worked for me against opponents who are much larger and stronger than me. If someone tries to bite or fish hook me, I’m in a much better position to hurt them seriously.
:bduh: Ok, former student, and long time friend of mine is doing life. I must tell him to stop doing BJJ/sub-grappling with other inmates then. :5squeeze:
I would say these are both good examples to prove my point. The first video is about how most of the new BJJ guys see martial arts in general, they consider anything outside of BJJ as some type of fantasy fighting style. Outside of the few who practice Muey Thai as stand up and most of them are clueless about what Muey Thai really is, They get some second hand info as they can,t be bothered to go to Thailand and learn it first hand.
The second video gets strait to the point, The guy goes in and ties up his own arms leaving a second yellow shirt to his back. In a realtime environment the second could have easily choked/kicked the BJJ guy or for that matter just cut his throat. While some may choose to remain blinded or in blinders I see the second video as absolute proof you do not want to get tangled up with someone with others standing around. Anytime your down the extra players can get a free kick, free kicks are game enders.
Again BJJ ain’t Combat, Its a sport and aspects of it are usefuful but applying it outside of gymnasiums and sports tournaments can get you killed quick, Buyer Beware.
It’s an agreed on test, nobody’s going to choke anyone else out or knife him in the throat.
This is an indication that your brain is not working too good and you need to go get yourself a new one. You’ve been fantasizing too much and it’s bad for your brain.
Please demonstrate, using video footage, technqiues that can be used against multiple opponents with weapons. Please enlighten us to the real combat that exists outside the gym.
I’m sitting here at Fort Benning getting ready for the all army combatives tournament. I’ve been chilling with guys who shuffle through which combat patch they want to wear. You know what they train for and have USED in a warzone? Thats riiiiiiiiiiiiight BJJ.
So your score is -5/10 on trolling for being an obvious idiot.