BJJ is great physical training but other than marketing what is it really? The Gracie Guard? Easily defeated when you have no boundaries and furthermore just a place you never want to be in any real fight. The Mount? Every kid in my elementary school knew this was a superior punching position and playground fights ended this way often. Choke Holds? Sorry but choking has been around about as long as rocks. Weapons? There is no weapons strategy. Vale Tudo or Stand Up Fighting? Some basic fist fighting but again the plain nasty is never worked in nor planned for. I actually like many aspects of BJJ and find it a good resource but many new to the combat scene have decided its the single solution to every fight when in fact it is a dangerous mindset when dealing with more than one opponent, in the end its a tournament sport, It was not and is not a killing science and that is what combat requires.
BJJ is a one on one grappling sport with referees and time limits which outcome is decided by judges and takes place in a controlled environment within gymnasiums. Not to be confused with Combat, A multiple player life and death struggle with no time frame nor moral boundary. Weapons, biting, fish hooking, nut cracking, and A host of other nasty tricks, tools of violence, and bloody strategies are employed to get one onto the next Challenger in uncontrolled and sometimes unpredictable extreme environments while at times weighted by tactical gear and uniforms played out across the globe.
I would like to see some rebuttal to this question. Today amongst many, I believe its a question rarely answered truthfully. Lately salesmanship seems more important than reality, wave a flag, throw out some cool terminology, make believe a sport is real fighting, throw in some bimbos to shake their asses along really cool t-shirts, cell phones, avatars, a Website with forum and some videos and you’re a kingpin in martial arts these days, It reminds me allot of ATA and Mr. Lee in Little Rock, Every kid that ever got the hell beat out of them in Southwest Little Rock became a black belt and the most important thing he ever taught them was to keep their mouths shut and avoid confrontation. ATA was a good thing and it still is for kids but again it is sport, A highly marketable sport, Just as BJJ is a sport, A highly marketable sport, BJJ ain’t combat!
0/10 for originality. Use the search function, there are about eleventy three thousand threads that will offer you hours worth of rebuttal reading.
BJJ IS possibly the best groundfighting system around. It’s not complicated to add in striking and weapon-arm control, if that’s your beef. Groundfighting is important. I’m sure most BJJ experts do not consider themselves complete “combat” experts just by virtue of their BJJ skill.
A well rounded combatant requires several martial skills, but groundfighting and clinchfighting are undeniably important. Show me anything that teaches “combat” and can be trained safely and efficiently (read; sparring?) and we’ll talk more. Your attacks aaginst BJJ are valid only if we assume that a BJJ practicioner is dumb enough to try for a fancy submission against one of several opponents or some other such foolishness - the fact is, even against multiple attackers, grappling skill is relevant, since it is the best way to avoid getting taken down yourself.
So please, enlighten me as to what you would propose as a replacement for BJJ as “combat” training… Krav Maga?
You’ve watched the movie Bloodsport too many times, haven’t you?
If not, can you please tell me where I can by this “Combat” video game or rent it on pay per view (if it’s not a video game)?
Oh, and if you seriously aren’t a troll, please list the times that you have fought using weapons, biting, fish hooking etc etc etc foaming at the mouth so we all can say that you aren’t delusional.
The question of the legitamacy of BJJ as Combat verses it being Sport. I say its sport and I respect it as sport. Many on this forum see ring mathces and sport training as combat and its not, The biggest problem with this is the belief that all fights go to the ground. In real combat its the dead who go into the the ground, the faster you can put them there the better. It seems in the last year alone some of the top people in BJJ or sport fighting have been cut up in real world bar fights and attacks. Many feel as though BJJ training will insure victory in street fighting. Some are now imposing BJJ training for combat troops which is fine as long as the limets of it are taught but I find few in the BJJ world who actually know the limets. It seems like any product that is for sale and is sold is always sold as the best, The latest, the Greatest, The Sexiest and that. Rarely till you get the product home and use it do you find the reality of its use and limitations. Prisons have always been a proving ground for fighting, A Martial litmus test of sorts, How many prison fights are won as a result of BJJ training?
The Mount? Every kid in my elementary school knew this was a superior punching position and playground fights ended this way often. Choke Holds? Sorry but choking has been around about as long as rocks. Weapons? There is no weapons strategy.
Hurr hurr, weapons have been around as long as rocks have, lolz. You l0s3. So has punching, kicking, trapping, and well… oh yeah fighting has been going on as long as humans and proto-homonids have inhabited the planet. Mandatory suicide, ftw.