I found this really interesting reading. I think I’ll enjoy getting kimured in GJJ class a bit more after reading this.
I’ve been looking for “My Judo” (Kimura’s autobiography right I think, or whatever he titled it) for a little while but when I do find it it’s either not in English or beyond my at the moment limited price range. But yeah, Kimura = Judo God.
They have a version on www.judoinfo.com, unless you’re looking for a hard copy…
That’s the link he posted in the first post. And it’s only an excerpt, not the full thing. It’s because of Kimura I got out of the crazy “tech before muscle” and started lifting.:cachas: <– Excuse to use one of the smileys. w00t
d’oh, i only read the second post!! my bad.
yeah, lifting ftw. not all of us can be the elder kyuzo mifune.
Yeah! Except I’m the sole Judoka there and I’m surrounded by a bunch of A-hole Football College Jocks (ie “Har har har, Judo boy tryin’ to lift? Gain some muscles like a REAL MAN [I hope to god they don’t mean themselves] instead of tryin’ to catch flies with fuckin’ chopsticks”) And it doesn’t help that since I’ve never lifted before I’m using a lot of muscles I never knew I had and basically have the strength of a 6 year old girl on some of them.
i’m sure that even with your comparatively low strength, you could still kick their asses. =P
i just started lifting as a university course myself. it’s very cool so far.
basically i’m the only guy there who gets all excited about increasing his grip strength and maximum squat weight, when everyone else is trying to get big pecs and biceps.
those would be cool, too… but i’m really just there to learn the machines and ultimately improve my game.
is it the abductor or adductor that gives you resistance while closing your legs? well, whatever it’s called, it just screams “inescapable triangle” to me…