serious business.
They’re both saintly compared to Tito Ortiz. You’d think a man who has never beaten a single top 5 competetor in his entire career wouldn’t run his mouth so much, but Tito thinks he’s god, despite getting the shit beat out of him every time he fights someone who isn’t a geriatric Ken Shamrock.
You are all aware that not liking roadhouse is gayer than homosexual anal sex, right?
hard to believe a forum spawned from something awful can become SERIOUS BUSINESS so quickly.
then again, it’s not hard to believe that a forum spawned from something awful can have shitty mods who’re constantly PMSing and turning internet forums into SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS.
Weight gainers are generally whey mixed with maltodextrin, dextrose or even cake mix in some of the old school ones. They are sugary and not that great for you, but they do work good for post workout shakes. However, you can just add a handful of whole oats to your shake and accomplish the same thing for a lot less money.
I’ll echo the sentiments of everyone else, too. If you want to gain weight, eat every 2-3 hours. Try to down around 4000 calories a day. With a good lifting program, you will gain weight.
no the internet isn’t serious business…evidence is you, being allow to gain access on anything outside of “The Wiggles Chat Room”.
By all accounts, it appears as if, prior to each and every post you consult “Google” or “Wikipedia” and them make some bizarre, idiotic rationalization of the work of other and try to incorporate it into your own.
Quit standing on the shoulders of giants, you mental midget.
And slap the asshole that mad the BigPoop…do it for Bullshido
Actually we were spawned from the ADCC forum.
serious business.
or you would have stopped whining by now.
serious business.
s3r10us bu51n3ss
Different Strokes…:gaygay:
BigPoop…your MOMZ and I are very proud of how well you are doing in school. I am a bit saddened that you are the age of an 8th grader and doing the work of a kindergartener…but with all the cough syrup your MOMZ chugged while living in an aluminum trailer under high-tension power lines, downstream from the nuclear power plant, her getting kicked in the stomach by a mule, your daddy being your second cousin and all.
Shit, what could we expect but the walking abomination known as:
So heres to you.
Now get back to watching the Reading Rainbow.
THAT’S “serious business”
serious business.
not serious business.
big poop, I think I hear the corps calling, they want you to STFU.
Just to derail this thread a little, Bigpoop, when were you in the crotch?
Oh yeah, Semper Fi brother.
Shonie by spinning backfist.
Hackney by groin shot.
I win the thread.