[quote=DHume;2363967]Actually, I wad completely serious with my first two posts about Ninjitsu schools and my review of the Saito Ninjitsu school.
After reading the responses to my review I realized that there will be very little valuable or credible info or help on this website. People including Mods, mistakenly assert that since I haven’t taken “martial arts” I’m clueless about fighting. While I’m clueless how to fight using any type of “martial art”, I’ve been Boxing for 15 years.
I could drop the majority of punks that try to fuck with me with one uppercut. But Im clueless when it comes to grappling, kicking, joint locks etc.
In Amy event it was only after I realized that most of the people responding are a bunch of fucking pussies that I said fuck it.
So yes fuck all of you. In MY OPINION all of you “martial artists” couldn’t do a fucking thing to defend yourself in real life. Any MMA fighter or boxer could drop you like a fucking fly. You prance around your little pussy Dojo worshipping the jackass Sensei who thinks he is a fucking God. Bow to this, bow to that, learn some fucking 1000 year old history that has no relevanc[/quote]
Dude, you trolling? Boxing is the most respected martial art on this site, second only to maybe MMA.
People said you know nothing about martial arts because you think it’s any different than boxing. If you see a martial arts school that doesnt look as tough and practical as your boxing gym run the other way. The fact that you think “martial arts” are any different than boxing is what makes you look clueless, and it lead you to believe stupid claims by the ninjas pussies at that school.
If you want to punch people, box. If you want to kick people, kickbox (probably muaythai)
If you want to throw people, judo. If you want to wrestle, Wrestling. If you want to do joint locks, BJJ. All martial arts that spar constantly and dont do any silly prancing bullshit. Fuck ninjitsu, it’s not worth trying to find the one mystical legit ninja school where they actually spar in the sea of bullshit.
I’m not sure how it’s handled, it may be only for MMA, but the site has a tag for professional fighters – if you’ve ever boxed in a pro match and can prove it you should PM one of the mods about it. Either way, if you’ve really boxed 15 years, respect – but stop acting like a dumbass and lurk the fucking forum before you make stupid claims.