Best Jason Bourne one-on-one fight?

vs Rammstein?

vs Yarda?

vs Desh?

wrong forum

Fucking Moron.

Moved from MABS forum. Read forum descriptions next time.


MacGuyver > Jason Bourne.

Serial Bithness.

MacGuyver might be able to save the world with a paperclip and a chewing gum wrapper, but Jason Bourne would kick his ass before he got the chance to.

I recall getting a little pissed at the silly ass flashy backflip as a counter to an aikido looking wrist grab in the last movie.

Would not. I am about to use this thing called “logic” to disprove your statement, please place a cold rag on your head and lie down if this “logic” thing causes your underused brain to ache.

Fact: MacGuyver has a mullet.
Fact: Jason Bourne does not.
Fact: Keith Hackney has a mullet.

Conclusion: MacGuyver over Bourne, by TTD (Total Testicular Destruction)

Mullet = kenpo.

Bourne = the deadly pen and magazine.

All points this round go to Bourne.

You give MacGuyver a pen and a magazine and he will create a homemade hand grenade that will reduce Jason Bourne to nothing but a pair of designer shoes. ALL HAIL MACGUYVER!

hell need that pen and magazine, to do crosswords while hes recovering in the hospital from the vicious ass-beating he got from Bourne.

Bourne’s only chance is to finish “Big Mac” as fast as he can, for heaven’s sake don’t leave him to recover in the hospital! MacGuyver with several months to tinker and all those fancy machines at his disposal? He’d probably design a giant, Japanese cartoon sort of robot and go after “the Chameleon” with it.

That move was supposed to remind the audiance that Bourne was fighting someone who supposedly had a little extra training due to the Blackbriar aka Treadstone upgrade program.

Which was unnecessary, cause in the end Desh was proving himself by actually giving Bourne a thrashing in the beginning, and actually using objects in his environment like the candlestick and razor (although Bourne countered with less obvious items like the book and the hand towel).

In the end, I think the Bourne movies are so well liked you can afford to give a little flash to the audiance.

I would have never thought to use a rolled up magazine to help in a fight. Then again, Bourne went further when he got that hardcover book in part 3. Blew my mind.