Beijing Judo Gold Medalist Starts Negotiations with UFC


         Japan's Olympic Judo Gold Medalist, Satoshi Ishii, yesterday started exclusive negotiations to enter into a contract with the UFC.  

Ishii, who won the gold medal in the men’s over 100-kilogram event at the Beijing Olympics, arrived in Las Vegas on Christmas day to experience UFC 92. Over the next two days, Mr. Ishii toured Las Vegas and visited various MMA gyms, including the UFC Training Center and Xtreme Couture, where he trained and sparred with Randy “The Natural” Couture.

Earlier this month, Mr. Ishii decided that he wished to start his MMA career in the United States, and that his dream was to fight in the UFC. He made his choice to negotiate with UFC last night after watching UFC 92.

“I was impressed with the training programs here in Las Vegas and the UFC event,” said Mr. Ishii. “I am looking forward to working with the UFC and to developing my mixed martial arts skills.”

“Satoshi Ishii has the potential to be very successful in mixed martial arts,” said Dana White, UFC President. “We can’t wait to start working with Mr. Ishii, we look forward to helping him with his training, his career, and his eventual debut in a professional fight.”

Ishii competed as a Judo heavyweight in the Olympics this year. Whether he will attempt to compete as a heavyweight or light heavyweight has yet to be decided.

He’s also going to be training with American Top Team according to,

I hope he does well, and it’s good to see that he’s taking the time to develop his MMA game at a good camp before he actually fights.

I hope he does well. Judo could use a few more high profile guys crossing over into MMA.

Yes its good to see the UFC going after an Olympic gold medalist.

Is this the dumbass that challenged Fedor?

It’s about damn time the UFC got some Japanese fighters.

Yes, or so it was widely reported. I never saw video of Ishii making the challenge.